85 Pounds to Lose and Desperate!

I need to get an accurate starting weight in the morning, but I have at least 85lbs to lose. I feel as if I am eating myself to death, which I probably am. I know that what works best for me is tracking, so MFP will be an important tool for me. I know what I need to do, now I just need to actually do it and stick with it until it becomes my lifestyle. If anyone else out there is just getting started and has a long journey ahead of them, a few weight loss buddies sure would be nice!


  • I have over 100 lbs to lose and just starting again. Feel free to add me. 40 y/o female
  • jess427
    jess427 Posts: 36 Member
    Today was my 1st day back to using this app and trying to eat well, tracking works well for me as well. Makes me feel accountable & guilty to add too many bad snacks even though I have it set to a private diary. I track everything even when I slip up and eat bad snacks. I did good most of the day but currently hungry and trying not to give in lol but I posted about it on my page and the guilt plus support from others makes me want to keep on the right path. I really want it this time, been neglecting my health for far too long. Seeking support from others as well as to support others on this journey. :) good luck you can do this it's very possible we just need to stick with it and if we fail here and there get up and keep going :)
  • HaylRock
    HaylRock Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm trying to shake off my baby weight, now I've had my children I want to concentrate on me and my health. Good luck with your journey! I find some of the recipes in the blog useful, quick and easy for when I finish work. I've started prepping my meals in the morning before work, I find I stick to it better then. YouTube has some great workout videos for beginners if you're unsure of going to the gym.
  • TitaniumTexan
    TitaniumTexan Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome! I have about 80 to lose and just started on 1 August. Anyone on here can add me.
  • tahliahallitt
    tahliahallitt Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me, the support on here is amazing!
  • LDMathews60
    LDMathews60 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the process of getting back to my healthiest weight after reaching my highest regain weight last November. Feel free to add me. I'm determined to lose and never have regain again.
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    I haven't been on here in a while and today is my first day back! Last time I was on here I lost almost 20lbs, I haven't regained much but I still want to lose another 70lbs and I'm determined to do it. I basically act like an over-excited fitness cheerleader on here so if you want motivation feel free to add me! :D x
  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    I don't even want to admit to myself how much weight I have to lose - but yes - it's close to 80 pounds. I have recently (re) started using this app. Feel free to add me too!