Wheat free low carb living ..Hello

Hi all
Been on MFP on and off over the years. I lost 7stone by completely bannishing carbs. Was easier at the time as I was going through a stressful time. The weight fell off in just a year.

Now I've managed to gain 2 stone and feeling frumpy and sluggish and I zero energy.

Today is the day I am going to do something about it.

I have this time, bought substitutes such as wheat free gkuten free bread, pasta etc. Will this help with the low carbing? Or am i kidding myself.

Thank you. And good luck everyone.



  • ltlriver
    ltlriver Posts: 35 Member
    It's still carbs even if gluten free.
    I completely agree with you - no carbs n the weight falls off - Atkins "all is forgiven" !