9 Pounds in 9 Weeks: Starts Sunday, Sept. 11th



  • mellywesside
    mellywesside Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in this seems super reasonable. I've been stuck at 150 for so many years because of inconsistent training and eating. I really want to be healthier.
  • Expat4Life
    Expat4Life Posts: 154 Member
    Sounds great! Is love to join! I'm 50lbs down, 15-20 to go. I'm living in Kenya right now, going to move to Tanzania in a few weeks.
  • shellylanghus
    shellylanghus Posts: 1 Member
    Sign me up too! I really need some extra motivation ti get started on my weight loss goal. This challenge seems like the perfect way to start!
  • PragatiV2016
    PragatiV2016 Posts: 18 Member
    I want to do this too!! I'm down 40 lbs and now struggling to lose more. I'm currently at 149lbs.... and would like to be 130!!
  • ltlriver
    ltlriver Posts: 35 Member
    Mm... I'm in too! 9in9 sounds doable!
    I commit to log my eating, eat only what I need and exercise 5 times a week
  • pennylandreth
    pennylandreth Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi I'm in also I need to lose 30lbs. I'm want to do this 1lb a week. So the first 9 with y'all will be great to have support
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm in too - it's my usual weigh day tomorrow so I'll add weight then.. Last week I was 166lbs. I want to be 140lb this time next year.

    I challenged myself to stop smoking last year and after years of failed attempts - I've done it... 13 months and proud! I was really focused and now I am going to tackle my weight - I'm sick of yo yo dieting and always being on some kind of fad crash diet.... Which never lasts. It's time to make a change for good.
    I really want to be fit and healthy, this time next year. I plan to keep track of what I'm eating and try a daily hit session (20mins) and a targeted session (10 mins) on either arms/abs or legs. I think half hour a day sounds ok. Good luck everyone.
  • MonicaInOntario
    MonicaInOntario Posts: 195 Member
    I will try. It hasn't been easy. SW:169. CW: 151. Good luck everyone!
  • woodyinwi5
    woodyinwi5 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I'm also going to combine with a 10 day clean eating challenge, eliminating processed foods and processed sugar for 10 days, at least a couple times in the 9 weeks. Great plan, 9/9! One step at a time!
  • gumby1707
    gumby1707 Posts: 7 Member
    I am in, I am heading out now on my first day of C25K! I have been cutting out soda, my goal is to go from a soda drinker to a water drinker plus one cup of coffee daily. This is my biggest challenge!
  • jessica561
    jessica561 Posts: 410 Member
    I wanna join!!!!
    Weight myself today 180
  • Steph8Carter
    Steph8Carter Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in this challenge sounds achievable. I'm 157.7 when I weighed in yesterday morning.
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    I would love to join this challenge. :) It is very reasonable, and I need some accountability this fall. My current weight is 171; would love to be 9 pounds lighter by November. I am currently doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and my elliptical. I am on my eighth day of tracking on MFP, and taking a break from alcohol. Looking forward to hanging out with you all!
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Did my 10 min arm workout this morn - was good... And quick. I always make the excuse that I don't have time to exercise.... Going to do my 20 min hit workout later.

    Weigh in:
    12/09 - 164lbs
  • I'm in too
    9lbs in 9 weeks sounds good to me :)
    I've still got about 80lbs to lose altogether but any extra motivation is good for me :) x

    I weigh on Saturdays and forgot to put it on lol
    My starting weight for this 9 week challenge is 191lbs :) x
  • ElizabethSays
    ElizabethSays Posts: 16 Member
    Ok. I'm in
  • I like this. I keep losing weight then putting it back on. My dad died 3 months ago, and I piled the weight on then because I was eating rubbish and lost my exercise mojo, so I'm back to square one again. My daughter is getting married in December, so I really need to get myself back to a normal size again (I'm nearly 10 stone and only 5' 2"). So 9/9 it is. I already kind of started yesterday anyway, and I'm being very good today (so far). Let's do this!
  • I'm in! This week is one of those 'time for a fresh start' weeks (I've had far too many of them) so hopefully this challenge will help me to actually make that fresh start!
  • danzrlove
    danzrlove Posts: 445 Member
    I'm in as well. My overall goal is 133 -19 pounds from here so 9 would set me up nicely for that. I'm using Weigt a watchers and Mfp groups to get this done. I'm 31 and my weight yesterday was 152.8 or so.
  • NerineLuna
    NerineLuna Posts: 76 Member
    I'm in! I could us a little more accountability. I've been doing okay, but I know I could do a lot better.

    Starting weight for this challenge: 86.4 kg (= 190.5 lbs). Meaning my goal for this challenge would be 82.3 kg (= 181.5 lbs). That's pretty close to my first goal weight of 80 kg, so I'm excited to see where I'm at during the last weigh in!

    Good luck everyone!