
Hi everyone I'm just after some advice I'm just starting out on the macro path, if I'm making meals in bulk chilli for instance? How do I split the macros? Obviously I'll know the overall values prior to cooking but when it comes to splitting the meals how do I go about it best?

Thanks in advanced


  • janwadsley2821
    janwadsley2821 Posts: 16 Member
    Go to 'my recipes' then create new recipe. Log ALL ingredients that you use and then it will ask you how many servings total you have made. when you then enter your recipe onto food diary for today just enter 1 serving and all the macros will be worked out for you.
  • jasebland
    jasebland Posts: 2 Member
    Great thank you so much for the help! Still getting to grips with it all! I've always ate well (paleo) just never macro specific