Over 60 ...

Suggestions for exercises and diet for those of us over 60 years old.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I am 59. I follow the TDEE numbers for my daily calories to either lose body weight or eat at Maintenance, as appropiate. I go the gym 4 days a week. Mostly weight lifting, very few cardio.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm 61. I eat lots of veggies, some fruit, fish, chicken, etc. I eat pasta occasionally. I love eggs, greek yogurt with honey and walnuts, popcorn, chocolate-whatever I like, really, but try not to overdo.
    I rarely eat fried foods and no soda but I drink wine and vodka, but mostly water. I range between 122-130.
    I walk or use the elliptical everyday for at least an hour and lift weights every other day.
  • TinaDiva_13
    TinaDiva_13 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you sociosegura and healthygreek for you comments. I was wondering how long you have both been using this program and how much weight you have lost. I had always been on the thin side but as I had gotten older the weight has just been building and building. I again thank you for your suggestions.
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    swim everyday, leisurely, I do aerobics type exercises in the deep water, 60 min. Great workout. Count Calories.
  • delipidation
    delipidation Posts: 34 Member
    Exercise: lifting weights and rebounding, for both muscular and skeletal strength. Walking, because we're made to walk. I have a standing desk, but standing is actually more difficult in many ways than walking, so I take quick breaks between meetings to knock out a quick quarter-mile on the treadmill or half-mile on the streets and trails near my workplace. I also ride a recumbent bike, although I do that a lot less now than when work was close enough to use it as my primary commute vehicle for several months of the year.

    Food: My current MFP goals are set at 30% protein, 35% carbs and 35% fats. I shoot for just about TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure -- about 2000 calories/day, in my case) on gym days, and drop about half the carbs on rest days. If I happen to end up walking a lot on a rest day, I'll enter the exercise as cardio and eat back about half of those calories.

    Sleep: OP didn't mention this, but I find that it's important for both brain and body. I use SleepyTime to calculate my sleep cycles, which is especially useful during those nights where I have to get up to work for a couple of hours, then go back to bed. I shoot for 7.5 hours (5 90-minute sleep cycles) every night, but can at need fall back to a survival base of 6 hours (4 90-minute cycles), and generally wake up before the alarm clock.

    Current status: I'm down about 10 pounds from my heaviest weight, but more importantly: (a) my body fat numbers are gradually trending down from nearly 26 percent to below 23, on their way to somewhere around 15 to 18, and (b) my strength has increased to the point where I can just about squat and deadlift my current body weight, bench about three quarters of that, and overhead press about half. I started lifting just about a month ago, with just the empty bar (45 pounds), so we're making headway. Still have the big tummy, but the weights and rebounding both recruit existing core strength and help build more, so the rotund front end will get whittled down over time. Oh, and although I am by far the oldest member of my team at work, one of the guys recently observed that "he's the oldest one here, but he's in better shape than any of us!" Sounds good, coming from folks two-thirds my age :) .
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Helpful advice on this thread. Glad you posted. I'm 61, retired from education, but work part time daily. Exercised on my own for years. Recently had one meeting with trainer at community center who is 62. She was most helpful in helping me add appropriate weight training every other day. (goodbye back fat) I do purposeful resistance and cardio six afternoons a week at the gym. Friday is my off day from the gym. I try to do morning stretches plus 20 minutes of home row machine to get me started each morning. Drinking more water and do my best to include a balanced diet within calorie allotment. I bank the majority of my workout calories. My downfall -- I don't like to weigh or focus on the scales. I was a healthy weight until hysterectomy in 40s and then.... I have to look at exercise as a hobby or daily responsibility. I've even given up a few social things in order to get my exercises in, so I don't make excuses. Best of luck to you -- learn what to do then be consistent!
  • BarbaraBBarbaraB
    BarbaraBBarbaraB Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone I'm a 63 year old retired individual who after stopping smoking over 10 years ago have watched the weight come on. And sense I'm not as active as I was I have gained over 70 pounds. I want to get it down the right way. Food and exercise. I'm about to start my journey effective immediately. I can use all the help I can get
  • fitBoomer1952
    fitBoomer1952 Posts: 12 Member
    How's everyone doing this year?