Hey I'm new here(duh)

Ey, so I stumbled upon this site, when poking around online for helps and stuff to track what I eat/do, exercise wise.

I'm 22 and 5'9", weighing in at (according to my scale) 249 pounds, I have tried losing weight, but always had a pretty unrealistic outlook on it. I always 'fall off the wagon' after about a week or two of really taking an effort into it. I would like to get down to 200 pounds, I know thats not my "target" weight, according to doctors, but thats what "I" would be happy with.

I mostly struggle with nutrition, my weakness is salty snacks and stuff, I have a stationary bike, and a treadmill in the basement. Which I don't mind using at all but it's very counter productive if I work my *kitten* off and go HAM on those and then afterwards mess it up by having something stupid to eat.

Anyways, this isnt my personal blog so I'll just stop there for now folks


  • aphillips8180
    aphillips8180 Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome to the site! It's easy to use and very helpful. You just have to stick with it (which I know is hard cause I fall off the wagon too!) One of the things I love about this site is that it allows you to determine what you want to lose per week. That way, you know if you eat so many calories, you'll lose so many pounds. =) Oh, and you can still have salty stuff and whatever, just in moderation. Maybe you could try some of those 100 calories packs? That's what I use.
  • beverlylawson
    I understand where u r coming from..Im 52 yrs old and have some health issues which keep me from exercising like i want too..but ive got to start walking a least a little..getting starting isnt my problem its staying on a diet..
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    Yeah it certainly puts things into perspective in a more manageable realistic way. I like seeing the actual numbers there, I don't really have a problem giving things up, its just that the bad stuff is so easy to just grab! I have cut up watermelon for a snack at times and am surprised at how filling it is, even though it took maybe an extra 2 minutes. -shrug- nutrition is really the only thing I struggle with.
  • beverlylawson
    im sure that i could lose more weight than a lb a week because i know what im eating is wrong..so if i could stop what i know is bad food then i could lose weight..
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome!! You can do it!!
  • AELLIS1997
    AELLIS1997 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! This site has been the best thing that i could have done. I have the app on my phone and that has helped me alot keeping track of what I am allowed. I started my diet a month and a half ago and have lost 18 pounds! Im 5'9" and was 163 and now im 145. Its hard work, but with determination and will power you can do it!
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    It's a process. I may be a bit vain but I honestly dont see how I am allegedly 249, but... sometimes I have good self image, sometimes I dont. -shrug- scale dont lie.

    I'm also a diabetic, and when I exercise my numbers are reasonably low, so thats the tiny victory I get for exercising, as oppose to just the actual weight loss(which I REAAAAAAALLY want)
  • hikingvee
    hikingvee Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome to the site! I'm a diabetic also. It's hard. I'm always shaking my head at the scale, but like you said, it doesn't lie. :smile:
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    Welcome to the site! I'm a diabetic also. It's hard. I'm always shaking my head at the scale, but like you said, it doesn't lie. :smile:
    Yeah, like... to me even if the number is off it's at least a number that if you look in 2 months and see it lower, still measurable so frig it.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hi and welcome...
    You can do this, just make sure you have things like Nuts..walnuts, pistacios, almonds, peanuts on hand,
    to grab at moments of rushing! Keeping Berries on hand is also good, blueberries, Raspberries and the like
    they are easy to just grab! You can also find alternatives to the chips you love, look in the low carb section of
    your store.

    You've "stumbled" onto a wonderful site here, there are great people here just like you to root you on and support
    you, so best of luck my friend, you have taken the most important steps.

    ~ journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step~
  • Kmarr32010
    Kmarr32010 Posts: 244 Member
    Welcome! I know I was SHOCKED when I got on the scale almost a month ago for the 1st time in YEARS! I thought, OMG That can't be right! So, here I am working my butt off trying to lose the weight and it's PAYING OFF!! I am a fast food junkie, so that's my weakness. With the help of this site though I'm learning to make better choices and actually look forward to exercising now. You can do this! Just keep up with you food/exercise logs and you'll notice a markable difference. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Always looking for more friends to encourage and be encouraged by. :)