In need of an Accountability Buddy

I'm looking for an accountability partner; someone to email or text with each day as a check in, for both of us!

I am a 31 year old female. I'm looking to lose 50-60 pounds. I have already lost 70. I had lost 100 but gained 30 of it back and just haven't been able to be consistent since then. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism when I was 10 but have just started additional medications to repair my thyroid, hormones, adrenals, liver, and metabolism. With Hasimoto's weight loss is more difficult so not seeing the numbers go down as quickly as I think they should will often get me off track. I occasionally binge eat, although not nearly as profound as before. It's usually when I'm sad or stressed and I've been working on identifying my triggers and distracting myself with someone else (walk, phone call, etc). I follow a paleo style diet, use intermittent fasting (Doctor suggestion), enjoy strength training, and tolerate cardio.
