So this happened

I've lost 48 lbs my highest weight was 278. Since August I've been slacking really bad on eating right and being active. I'm starting to feel the difference in myself physically and emotionally and I've been beating myself up over it while at the same time not being able to stop eating! Anyways, this morning my 6 year old step son said "you're fat" then quickly said "IM just kidding with you". I know he meant it though and it hurt my feelings and made me feel bad even though I know I've done this to myself it's just been so hard to have self control lately. I guess that was what I needed to hear to get my *kitten* back in gear today so I'm trying this again.

What are things that have gotten you back on track?


  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    yes, just do it. Or take one thing that you can improve this week and do that. Maybe have a goal of 5 veggie servings everyday, or no fast food. Something doable but noticeable for the first week. Sooner or later you have to bite the bullet and do what you know you have to do
  • LaurenRitter205
    LaurenRitter205 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, I just have to think I've done it before and come such a long way I don't want to get back to where I was before. It was definitely not what I wanted to hear but it sure was a wake up call.
  • aleshapijan177
    aleshapijan177 Posts: 41 Member
    I've been slipping really bad too, ecspecially with the fact that I've been hitting my water intake and eating healthy and working out everyday and haven't lost a pound. People to help motivate you is really what keeps you going, feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,902 Member
    I've been slipping really bad too, ecspecially with the fact that I've been hitting my water intake and eating healthy and working out everyday and haven't lost a pound. People to help motivate you is really what keeps you going, feel free to add me if you would like :)

    Because you mention slipping, eating healthy, and haven't lose a pound, I'm wondering if your calorie deficit is too aggressive, which is leading to binges. How much weight do you have to lose to reach goal and what is your weekly weight loss set to?
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited September 2016
    Looking at pics of my old severely obese self helps keep me on track!
  • Ricksh1000
    Ricksh1000 Posts: 88 Member
    Kids, don't you just love 'em? o:)
    My 12yo keeps reminding me of my lack of hair, but there's not a lot i can do about that ;)
    Get yourself where you want to be. Think of how good you felt and get it back, you can do it :)
  • _sacar
    _sacar Posts: 80 Member
    I am actually struggling with that right now - slipping a lot on diet and exercise and seeing the weight creep back on! I have been logging my food today and I brought my gym bag to work with me. My heart isn't really in it - Im am a little burned out - but I have to do it anyway!

    Just get started. You'll thank yourself later.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Personally, I would have a conversation with him about how words can hurt and how you know he didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but that he did. I know kids can sometimes spout whatever pops up into their minds, but you don't want him to do that to someone else.

    But I would use that feeling to motivate me. It's not a fun feeling, I think most people on MFP can sympathize with you and that's why we're here b/c we don't like that feeling. Start by honestly logging everything that you eat in the next few days. Then move on to doing a deficit, enough to sustain a .5-1lb loss each week. After a few weeks of eating at a deficit, you can add in exercise if you want to or have the time to. You can join a gym, go outside and walk, do Youtube videos, or anything else that catches your eye and seems like it would be fun and sustainable to you.

    Even when I stopped logging like I should have (and put back on almost all the weight I loss), I still kept going to my pole classes b/c I really love it. It's something that I look forward to every week. Pole is the longest thing I've ever stuck to (did jogging, quit. I do spin off and on. Yoga and quit, and the list goes on). Just find something that you look forward to doing, it will make it easier to stick with it.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Right now, looking good for Halloween...after that it will be looking good for the winter holidays...then getting in shape for beach season...I just keep trying to shift what my motivation is so I can stay motivated and on track.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,979 Member
    I've lost 48 lbs my highest weight was 278. Since August I've been slacking really bad on eating right and being active. I'm starting to feel the difference in myself physically and emotionally and I've been beating myself up over it while at the same time not being able to stop eating! Anyways, this morning my 6 year old step son said "you're fat" then quickly said "IM just kidding with you". I know he meant it though and it hurt my feelings and made me feel bad even though I know I've done this to myself it's just been so hard to have self control lately. I guess that was what I needed to hear to get my *kitten* back in gear today so I'm trying this again.

    What are things that have gotten you back on track?

    Is it possible he was just repeating what he heard you saying about yourself (beating yourself up)?
  • gabrielleelliott90
    Well since Christmas I went from 128 to 156. I got down to 128 mainly thanks to mfp. I'm only 5"4 so 156 is too much weight for me puts me in the overweight category and I can't continue gaining more. I feel so fat.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    ah, kids have no filter. The mirror keeps me motivated.
  • stacey01575
    stacey01575 Posts: 8 Member
    When I really need to get things going, I join a dietbet to lose 4% in 4 weeks. Each game is fun and people in the game are super supportive. I just finished one today (met goal!) because I wanted to lose 5lbs for a wedding I'm going to next week. The accountability of the game helps keep me on target.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    When I'm in one of those negligent eating modes, it's partly because I stopped planning out my eating. If I have to figure out what to eat on the spot, I'll likely choose poorly.

    My suggestion is to plan tomorrow's food and pre-log your diary so you know for sure you will be at your calorie goal. Then just follow it like a map. Take the guess work and impulse eating out of it.
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    I also love Dietbet! The money on the line keeps me on track
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Right now, looking good for Halloween...after that it will be looking good for the winter holidays...then getting in shape for beach season...I just keep trying to shift what my motivation is so I can stay motivated and on track.

    I do the same thing. My sister's baby shower is 10/1, my HS reunion is 10/15 (still haven't decided if I'm going), and my performance at my studio is 10/29 so I need to look good for all of those events. Then I need to look good for Thanksgiving, then the birth of the baby (gotta look good in those pictures of me holding the baby, lol), then my birthday, then Christmas. Then the Spring Gala at my job, then summer, and the list goes on and on. I just keep inventing new things I need to stay in shape for, lol.