p90x confusion

MrsGaff Posts: 42
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Heya guys -

I have a quick few questions about the p90x programme - I am totally skint at the moment, so my brother in law said that *cough* hypothetically he could obtain the p90x programme from the internet. I know it consists of 12 dvds, and i looked it up on wikipedia but Im confused as to how it works: do you do' chest and back' one day then 'legs and back' the next? Does Mr Horton tell you which days to do which dvds? Im totally stumped by it. I realise its a stupid question but I am honestly lost about it!

Also, does anyone have any stories, success or otherwise about the starting the p90x programme from a similar situation to me, ie house full of very small kids (3,2, and 9 months...) and being unfit. I was thinking the best way to do it would be to get up an hour and half earlier before fiance goes to work and children wake up?

Id appreciate any input!


  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Bump! If you know how to get it on line.. please send it my way!! :P
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    There's a schedule you follow based on which program you want to do. It will tell you which day you do.
  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    The program comes with a schdule with it that tells what days you will be doing what DVD part. I haven't done P90X yet, but am doing Insanity and they are the same concept. You can also go to the website: beachbody.com and it may give you some more infromation on there.

    Hope that helps :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    i um *cough* downloaded it..
    and i got all of the 12 dvd's. pluss 2 toher random ones of how to bring it and a results one..
    and i got pdf versions of all of the catalogues, posters, etc....

    if u need help finding it got to 'teh paradox' and youl find it there.
  • reegordon
    reegordon Posts: 97 Member
    I already have P90X but can Insanity be found online as well?
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    The first, the second and the third week plans are as follows:

    Day # 1: back, chest + Ab ripper
    Day # 2: plyometrics
    Day # 3: arms, shoulders + Ab ripper
    Day # 4: Yoga X
    Day # 5: back, legs + Ab ripper
    Day # 6: Kenpo
    Day # 7: “X – stretch”
    The fourth week is actually a week for recovery and it looks something like this:

    Day # 1: Yoga X
    Day # 2: core synergistics
    Day # 3: Kenpo
    Day # 4: X – stretch
    Day # 5: core synergistics
    Day # 6: Yoga X
    Day # 7: “X – stretch”
    The fifth, sixth and seventh week plans are as follows:

    Day # 1: triceps, shoulders and chest + ab ripper
    Day # 2: plyometrics
    Day # 3: biceps and back + ab ripper
    Day # 4: Yoga X
    Day # 5: back, legs + ab ripper
    Day # 6: Kenpo
    Day # 7: “X – stretch”
    The eight week plan looks like this:

    Day # 1: Yoga X
    Day # 2: core synergistics
    Day # 3: Kenpo
    Day # 4: “X – stretch”
    Day # 5: core synergistics
    Day # 6: Kenpo
    Day # 7: “X – stretch”
    The eight week plan is the same as the eleventh week plan:

    Day # 1: back, chest + ab ripper
    Day # 2: plyometrics
    Day # 3: arms, shoulders + ab ripper
    Day # 4: Yoga X
    Day # 5: back, legs + ab ripper
    Day # 6: Kenpo
    Day # 7: “X – stretch”
    Plans for the tenth and twelfth week are:

    Day # 1: shoulders, chest, triceps + ab ripper
    Day # 2: plyometrics
    Day # 3: biceps, back + ab ripper
    Day # 4: Yoga X
    Day # 5: back, legs + ab ripper
    Day # 6: Kenpo
    Day # 7: “X – stretch”
    And finally, the thirteenth week looks like this:

    Day # 1: Yoga X
    Day # 2: core synergistics
    Day # 3: Kenpo
    Day # 4: “X – stretch”
    Day # 5: core synergistics
    Day # 6: Yoga X
    Day # 7: “X – stretch”
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I already have P90X but can Insanity be found online as well?

    ** cough ** yes... along with turbofire, BBL, and Pilates so far lol
  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    ah thanks for all the help guys! Before i had children, I swear I actually had a brain and could understand stuff... now its just turned to mush, and the only thing I really know are the words to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme... Bootzey youre an absolute superstar, I c&p'd that for reference - makes it much simpler to understand.

    Tina, sent you a PM :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    more than likely depending where he (whispers) downloads its it should have the schedule included
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    i want to try it but cant afford it i heard it shows killer results tho
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I bought it at a yard sale, but I did download the Insanity program as I am also low on money. Try torrent files and then search online for schedules, they are out there and you can figure out what to do what day. The sites I use are www.btjunkie.com or www.piratebay.com not the legal way, but it works for me.....good luck
  • reegordon
    reegordon Posts: 97 Member
    @ nosey_rosey and adagolden - Thanks for the info. I'm going to search now. There's so many good programs out there and you'll go broke trying to purchase them all! :love: :wink:
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    This thread is awesome, great tips here ;)

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