60 lb goal

I'm currently 262lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. Looking to get under 200 lbs. I'm going to give myself a year to do it, but I'd like to make it in less time. Looking for friends with similar goals. I have a very busy lifestyle with school, work, and family so I have very little energy at the end of the day to exercise. This is going to be my biggest challenge.


  • shrinkpositively
    shrinkpositively Posts: 11 Member
    I'm here with you, girl! I'm 255 and aiming for the same goal. 180 is my goal.

    I really need to be more active, regardless of weight loss. Weekends are great opportunities to work out. Maybe get some friends to do it with you? I have some friends who are also into the idea of going on hikes and walks together or just working out together with YouTube videos. The issue is building consistency for me. But now, I have weekly Zumba dates with a friend. It's only 45 minutes in the evening after work, once or twice a week. Also, pilates and yoga videos with friends and forcing myself to exercise alone. That's how I'm starting. YouTube has everything.

    Another struggle - I'm very social and being social = eating out a lot, and I love all kinds of cuisine. Thai, Ethiopian, Salvadoran, etc. I love food, and I do not have a dainty appetite. You would think being vegan for years and now vegetarian would limit my options, but unfortunately not lol

    I won't be depriving myself, because I can't live that way. But my goal is to pay closer attention to portions of the not so nutritious dishes, eat larger portions of "clean" foods, drink more green tea and water, and save the restaurant splurges for social hour, and you know, not for breakfast and lunch at the office.
  • Aria_TC
    Aria_TC Posts: 14 Member
    About 3 years ago, I used this app over a whole summer and lost about 30 lbs just from eating better and walking on a treadmill every day for a couple of miles. I got busy once school started in the fall and fell behind and gained back everything and more. I was so hurt and discouraged that I gave up but now I'm seeing how I'm hurting myself more by slacking off and I need to get back to a healthy weight. Clothes not fitting is the worst. Waking up to go to work and fighting with tight clothes puts me in a sad mood all day. And oh man, do I love food. Asian and Indian for sure! We just moved into an apartment across the street from a large park so once the weather cools off I'm hoping to get out there and walk in the evenings.
  • scooten
    scooten Posts: 7 Member
    Me too! I'm at 2339 and feeling all of it ugh! Just started on here today hoping to get some support. I am 59 and want to hit 60 as a much smaller me
  • scooten
    scooten Posts: 7 Member
    ooops 239
  • shrinkpositively
    shrinkpositively Posts: 11 Member
    We have something else in common! I lost 25 lbs a couple years ago, but I gained it back when I moved out of the country for a year. I also gained 10 extra pounds this year because I've been living it up with the eating out lol

    I think for me, I've been focusing more on body positivity which I think is essential for my happiness. I'm grateful for that journey, and I'm still on it, trust me, but now I'm returning to the weight loss challenge. I try to just see life as a variety of stages. Obviously you want to be healthy, but don't beat yourself up or feel defeated if you gain some weight back. Life happens and I'm sure you've done great things, things to be proud of, and just lived your life and continued to make your way toward your goals. You can do what you did before and then some. You're awesome <3

    Take this with a grain of salt from someone who arguably might have a shopping problem, but don't be afraid to buy clothes that fit and look good on you! I like looking good, well dressed, and it makes my walk through life that much better. I thrive more when I feel good, and take pride in my appearance. This also helped me break away from the whole "I'm the fat girl who shouldn't be seen and I want to be as invisible as possible, don't look at me and my fat" mentality. I'm not saying that's where you are, but I used to be there and it was so stifling and limiting in more ways than I realized.

    I know some people like to wait until they lose weight to get new clothes, but idk. Something about the psychology of, "I don't deserve to feel comfortable or look good until I'm thinner" doesn't sit well with me. But you have to do what works for you, and try to be the happiest that you can be.

    Like let's enjoy this journey! I want us to be happy and healthy not miserable and longing for thinness. That's all I'm sayin' :)
  • GothamVeggie
    GothamVeggie Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in the same boat (+ recovering from spine surgery & anemia, hurray!) & all of you are inspiring me. I'd love some MFP friends.