Starting again, Breastfeeding and trying to lose

Hi everyone. I had my 4th baby 6 weeks ago I used MFP to help lose weight after my 2nd was born and was able to lose the baby weight plus some. Since then I had my 3rd baby but never really lost all the baby weight from her, I was told breastfeeding would help lose the weight but in my case it did the opposite, working out eating right and never lost but did gain a little while nursing her but I also had some hormone issues after her birth so that probably didn't help. Now after having my 4th I need to lose the baby weight from my 3rd and 4th pregnancy plus some. I'm breastfeeding and want to be sure I do this right so it doesn't hurt my supply but I constantly feel hungry from nursing, like more than I did when pregnant. It would be nice to have friends for support and some good advice on losing the weight while breastfeeding and dealing with the constantly feeling hungry issue.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP. You have a beautiful family!

    Why not start out with just logging all of your food intake for a few weeks while also keeping tabs on your weight? That way, you can eat what your body is telling you it needs for now. Just logging without worrying about dieting was how I started. Within a few weeks I was making substitutions here and there to save calories, and before I knew it I started losing weight. That was a few years and more than 70 pounds ago. You don't have to be hungry to lose weight. And by the way, major kudos to you for not using the 'baby weight' excuse. That was my excuse for nearly 10 years. You're doing awesome. Just be patient and kind to yourself - the weight will come off.
  • holliehetho
    holliehetho Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there fellow breastfeeding mumma!

    I've also just rejoined MFP as I lost lots of weight before my wedding but have gained most of it back, so here we are again haha

    I'm currently breastfeeding my almost 8 month old and also finding the hunger and tiredness hard work to stop eating and workout! Add me as a friend as I'm looking for fellow mummas for support!!
  • aleshapijan177
    aleshapijan177 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm a breastfeeding momma too! Breastfeeding got me all the way down to 130lbs 2 months after having my daughter but then I gained 20 lbs in the last 6 months due to the fact the I seriously love food and can never get enough of it! Trying to lose weight never effected my supply, but I am a stay at home mommy and nurse on demand! But feel free to add me for extra support during your weight loss journey!
  • bonnieabc655
    bonnieabc655 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey breastfeeding buds, I'm 35 and im also BF my 3rd child who is 5 months old. I LITERALLY gained 80 lbs during this last pregnancy. I started running and eating healthy at 6 weeks PP. It has been a bumpy ride but now I am finally benefitting from my hard work. I would love to become friends any BF mammas for support and motivation. I know a lot of ways to boost milk supplies! Friend me if interested
  • lahaze
    lahaze Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies! I have a six week old and am breastfeeding too :) Have 3 1/2 year old twin girls and breastfed them - found the baby weight just melted off. However when I weaned them my weight gradually crept back up. Since Fiadh was born I've lost 27 lbs (that includes her lol!) but have another 24 to go and am finding it reall tough. Weight is not falling off like it did with the girls - i'm logging my food but tbh finding it really difficult to stick to 1800 calories due to crazy hunger all the time. Starting to get a bit miserable with it. Any advice would be much appreciated :wink:

    BTW how to I friend people on this?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    You need more calories when you are nursing than when you are pregnant, you are going to need an extra 500 calories a day for breastfeeding. And personally, I wouldn't recommend a radical calorie reduction if you have a history of hormone issues. I would set MFP to 1/2 a pound loss per week, then eat about 500 calories above that. Slow and steady will keep your supply solid for the baby and hopefully won't stress out your body enough to send you into a hormone imbalance. Eat plenty of healthy FAT, you baby needs it for brain development.