The last 10 lbs really is the hardest

Hello, I'm really hoping that between tracking my nutrition and fitness I can see where I need to improve. I lost around 20lbs and am finding the last 10lbs impossible to loose! Any help or suggestions is appreciated!


  • Coachjr29
    Coachjr29 Posts: 81 Member
    Change up the training and eating. Try intermittent fasting to change it up. Do more strength training rather than cardio. Our bodies get used to the same ol grind sometimes.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't think it's hard. Just slower if you were used to experiencing more feedback (scale and clothing, etc). Even if you lose a pound a month it's ok. Slow progress is better when you have less to lose. Focus on strength training and you will get good results.