I can't reach 1000cals help?



  • Iona_EllenRose
    Iona_EllenRose Posts: 18 Member
    It doesnt happen every day but just wanting ideas really if it happens again. :smile:
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited September 2016
    Thanks - I think I can manage with peanut butter :smiley: ! My diary today was
    Breakfast - Porridge & berries
    Lunch - spinach & chickpea rice pilaf
    Dinner - Jacket potato, roasted veg, beans & salad
    Snacks - Apple, satsuma x2

    If you are trying to eat more then why are you selecting the lowest calorie highest fiber foods you can lay your hands on? Are you actually trying to eat more calories? If so substitute the porridge for granola and you are done.

    Also from this diet I have to ask, how much protein are you getting? Because I don't see any. You should be getting at least 0.6g of protein per pound lean mass which means (assuming you are fairly average) should be getting at least 60g of protein a day or 240 calories worth of proteins. I don't think there are even 6 grams of protein in that diet let alone 60. That is going to end up hurting you if you sustain that.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    You had days last week where you ate 2-3000 calories and you are here to lose weight. So you know how to eat more calories. You also have days when you didn't log at all or only partially logged.

    How seriously are you taking this?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    OP, what is your goal and what are your stats? When did you start having trouble eating a reasonable number of calories.

    As for getting more (1000 isn't really enough for someone 24 years old), how about just eating more of the foods you do eat? For example:

    Breakfast -- eat a full serving size (at least) of the oats. Try a banana instead of berries. Add in a healthy source of fat like nuts or hemp hearts and/or some fullfat milk. I agree with Aaron that your day is far too low on protein, so you might want to add in another source of protein too, maybe a protein powder or greek yogurt.

    Lunch -- the pilaf has to be tiny to be that low in calories, maybe eat more? Add other vegetables and maybe some olives or nuts to the salad? A dressing with vinegar and olive oil? Also, making the pilaf larger would add protein, but also consider adding lentils or tofu?

    Dinner -- same comments about the salad. Potato, what does "medium" really mean? Any olive oil to cook the potato or butter on it? I love roasted potatoes with a bit of olive oil. Greek yogurt is also tasty on potato (rather like sour cream) and has protein. .25 can of beans is tiny -- again, having a larger serving of beans would help with protein. Maybe have some seitan or some other source of additional protein with the beans if you don't like the other suggestions.

    Avocado would be tasty with all of these, and nuts are a delicious, healthy, and caloric snack.

    Just little changes like these would solve the issue, and help with nutrition.
  • Ploofs
    Ploofs Posts: 59 Member
    I would recommend measuring your foods out as well if you aren't already. In the past week I saw apples being logged at 154g each... but not all foods are exactly the same size!
  • jdwils14
    jdwils14 Posts: 154 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    Today I have had 3 meals & snacks yet I still can't get to 1000cals (so far I'm at 880cals). Does this happen to you? What do you eat/snack on to reach 1000?


    I'm not sure I understand you. What do you mean that you cannot get to 1000 calories? Are you saying that you feel so stuffed at 880 calories you couldn't possibly eat more? If that is the case perhaps switch out some of your low calorie fiberous food choices with some calorie rich choices. Have some icecream or a slice of pizza and you will get to 1000 calories fairly easily.

    I am assuming you are trying to lose weight and thus have weight to lose. Therefore, at somepoint, you managed to eat more than 1000 calories per day...so just revert back to some of those eating habits (with moderation) and you should be able to eat that much easily. 1000 calories is a very low amount, not a high amount.

    Pretty much all of this, and the link that Dianne provided above...

    When in doubt, the answer is always pizza and ice cream.

    Or chocolate or peanut butter or guacamole.

    Or bacon.
  • Iona_EllenRose
    Iona_EllenRose Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks, I'll have a look a more ways for protein. I like the little changes to make. I suffer from depression & emotional eating so I am trying best to get a healthy diet. I plan on losing around 4st to go back to my original healthy weight.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks - I think I can manage with peanut butter :smiley: ! My diary today was
    Breakfast - Porridge & berries
    Lunch - spinach & chickpea rice pilaf
    Dinner - Jacket potato, roasted veg, beans & salad
    Snacks - Apple, satsuma x2

    Are you vegan? You need to get some good fats in there or you'll end up with skin like a lizard and that's just on the surface.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Have you considered chatting with a mental health professional? Your diary shows evidence of binge/restrict cycles...
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    You had days last week where you ate 2-3000 calories and you are here to lose weight. So you know how to eat more calories. You also have days when you didn't log at all or only partially logged.

    How seriously are you taking this?

    This seems harsh but I have to echo this. Before you can fix things you have to first be able to admit to yourself what is wrong here and what is wrong is not that you struggle to eat 1000 calories. Need to be honest with your self first, then be able to be honest with the community, then you can seek help here. If that isn't a place that you feel like you can get to on your own you might want to seek out therapy from a professional rather than an internet community.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    For one of your meals you have Mexican style chicken and bean with no carb or no protein? Also, many of your items have next to no sodium?

    I'm thinking you may want to double check to see if you're selecting the correct items.

    To be fair, I've given up on trying to get the sodium levels right. I change what I can (be arsed with), since so many people seem to be incapable of multiplying salt in grams times 23/58.5*1000 but there is just too much that is wrongly recorded to keep up with. I ate a slice of pastrami which allegedly had 700mg of sodium in it, with my lunch, today! Thankfully, I knew there was a better entry out there, already (I know because I fixed that one, myself!)
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I've never had a day where it was hard to reach 1000 calories and I intermittent fast only eating in the evenings. Most of us in this forum ended up here because we struggle by eating too much, not the reverse. When I see these posts I always have to question the accuracy of the logging.
  • jwcanfield
    jwcanfield Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks - I think I can manage with peanut butter :smiley: ! My diary today was
    Breakfast - Porridge & berries
    Lunch - spinach & chickpea rice pilaf
    Dinner - Jacket potato, roasted veg, beans & salad
    Snacks - Apple, satsuma x2

    No meat protein at all? Ever? Okay, that's fine. Using this meal as an example, I would make a salad dressing with olive oil for the salad - 1 T would push you to 1000 calories and be good for your skin/system. Or a Tablespoon of REAL butter on your potato/roasted vegetables. You'd be improving the flavors and make it easier to stick with your program?
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    8oz low sodium tomato juice with a tablespoon of olive oil stirred in = 170 calories.
    a 28 g serving of almonds = 160 calories
    100 g serving of turnip greens with a 1/2 TBS butter = 70 calories
    2 TBS peanut butter= 200 calories
    3 slices ultra thin cheese rolled up with with 56 g of lunch meat and mayo = 215 calories
    100 g carrots = 41 calories
    1 container whole milk yogurt (blueberry) = 140 calories
    85 g cauliflower with 1/2 tbs butter = 75 calories
    1/2 cup cottage cheese= 90 calories
    There. That's worth a little over 1,100 calories. Not necessarily listed in order of consumption.
  • kpeterson539
    kpeterson539 Posts: 220 Member
    ouryve wrote: »
    For one of your meals you have Mexican style chicken and bean with no carb or no protein? Also, many of your items have next to no sodium?

    I'm thinking you may want to double check to see if you're selecting the correct items.

    To be fair, I've given up on trying to get the sodium levels right. I change what I can (be arsed with), since so many people seem to be incapable of multiplying salt in grams times 23/58.5*1000 but there is just too much that is wrongly recorded to keep up with. I ate a slice of pastrami which allegedly had 700mg of sodium in it, with my lunch, today! Thankfully, I knew there was a better entry out there, already (I know because I fixed that one, myself!)

    Oh! I know exactly what you're saying! I guess I was trying to mention to the OP that the selections may not be accurate as the carbs/proteins were off, as in zero, for a chicken and bean dish. And there were a number of entries with zero sodium. With that, the calories may not be accurate. Looked a bit suspect and there may have been a better choice.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Is this a problem just on one specific day or an ongoing issue? If I've eaten a lot on one day, I do often find I am less hungry the next, and I believe that's fine - I'm happy to splurge on a special occasion and know that I can balance it out on a day when there's nothing special going on. And some days I might not feel well and just not want to eat - I don't worry about it in the short term and eat more when I feel better.

    But if this is ongoing, can you tell us more about your overall progress. If you are only getting around 800 or so Cals a day as a general rule, what is happening with your weight and energy levels? If you're not dropping weight rather quickly (definitely way faster than recommended) then it may be a measuring issue - not all the entries here are reliable, and it's easy to forget to log some things if you're not really vigilant (I find it easy to skip cooking oil and spices in recipes - spices are probably not going to make a huge impact, but oil might!).
    If you're regularly eating that low, I'd also expect you to be feeling pretty awful.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ouryve wrote: »
    Thanks - I think I can manage with peanut butter :smiley: ! My diary today was
    Breakfast - Porridge & berries
    Lunch - spinach & chickpea rice pilaf
    Dinner - Jacket potato, roasted veg, beans & salad
    Snacks - Apple, satsuma x2

    Are you vegan? You need to get some good fats in there or you'll end up with skin like a lizard and that's just on the surface.

    Lizard skin? Hmm. I have chronic dry skin. I may do better with the fish/flax oil supplements. Thanks!
  • PatriciaVogt1
    PatriciaVogt1 Posts: 9 Member
    I hate to ask this in this thread, but are you on any medications that might be affecting your appetite? Looking at your food journal entries that people posted, I know that medication changed my eating habits. Just a suggestion that if you are on medications, you might want to check with a doctor about how they might be affecting your eating habits too.