|| 4:30 am cardio & New job feels ||

Fitgirl_Arabella Posts: 9 Member
edited September 2016 in Motivation and Support
A very good morning to everyone! Can you believe the weekend is over and it's already MONDAY??

Okay, so today I start my new "big girl" job post completing my bachelors degree in psychology and I'm psyched...pun intended. I got hired on at the only mental hospital in Oregon as a mental therapy technician, talk about a great opportunity!! I'm so grateful.

With this new job comes a 6 week long training period Monday through Friday from 7-8am and ending at 4-5pm. Grueling and daunting...I think yes!

But I'm determined to balance the demands of this new job AND my health and fitness goals. So what did I have to do? Accommodate and CHOOSE to MAKE TIME for the gym. And so I got up 4:30 this morning did 30 minutes of cardio, an ab workout, made my usual healthy breakfast and gave myself time to prepare for work. I want to do my best to stick to this schedule. It's going to take some getting used to but goals are goals and you gotta do what you gotta do, you feel me??

I also meal prepped last night to avoid eating out a lunch so I made a heathy alternative. Your fitness journey is up to you and how you plan to achieve your goals is all on you. Sometimes you just have to do what it takes. Even if it pushes you out of your comfort zone or you have to get up at an ungodly time in the morning.



  • That's great - kudos to you!
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome to the early morning club! Well done! It's not easy to get out of a warm bed when it's dark outside.
    I was up at 4:30am this morning to get to the gym.
    I don't always make it but I'm trying to do it a few days a week!
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 79 Member
    That's awesome! Becoming a "morning person" is one of the best things that completely changed my habits. Now I kind of like working out first thing before I have time to even think about it or give myself a chance to opt out. As much as it is hard to get out of a warm bed sometimes, I love driving to my class or trainer while the moon is still out and some of the world is still asleep, and coming out and seeing the sunrise, and feeling awake and alert and ready to attack the day and wonder why I didn't do this years ago.

    Congrats on the new job!!
  • ksfessler88
    ksfessler88 Posts: 7 Member
    Was feeling sorry for myself having to get up at 4 a.m. to work out. Now I know there is another set of crazy people who do the same...SO important for both physical and mental health. Went yesterday. Didn't go today. Tomorrow and Friday I WILL rock the 4 a.m. hour!!
  • starrynightinaug
    starrynightinaug Posts: 21 Member
    same here with the 4:30--- I hate it BUT I know that when I get out of work- my first thought is not the gym. while I may go for a walk in the evening every now and than- gotta do it right off the bat or it ain't happening- the proof is on the scale- stopped working out for 2 months, gained 10 pounds- here i go again
  • BahamaMama85
    BahamaMama85 Posts: 43 Member
    Also a part of the early morning club! My alarm goes off at 4am & I'm out the door at 4:30am class starts at 5am. I've started sleeping in my gym clothes at night to give me that extra "umph" to get out in the morning.
  • mommyof4cpa
    mommyof4cpa Posts: 82 Member
    I now realize that my 6 month stretch of nothing but excuses as to why I can no longer get up @ 4:30am MUST come to an end....sigh.

    OP - Good for you (and the other early morning club members too)!
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 79 Member
    My trainer always says, "Feet to the floor, you just gotta do it." That's become the phrase that goes through my head when I wake up and need to get out of bed. Can't think about it, just gotta put my feet to the floor. I love that.

    I lay out my workout clothes the night before, bag packed, car keys, everything. The less I have to think about, the easier it is to do. It also determines in my head that I'm going no matter what. Required. Not an option. It takes the choice out of it, just becomes something I do. Which saves willpower and having to motivate myself. It becomes more of a routine, go-to habit, than having to summon energy or motivation or discipline. Now it's just something I do, like shower or make my bed, if that makes any sense.

    And then when you're leaving and have that "it's good to be alive," endorphins flying, payoff.

    You can do it mommyof4!!
  • angelwowings23
    angelwowings23 Posts: 128 Member
    Way to go!!! Got to roll with the punches in life and find the time for the things that are important to us. I feel your pain. I have a 7:30a-4pm job that comes with an hour and a half commute (each way), a 2 year old, a dog, and miscellaneous other responsibilities to tend to on a daily basis. I don't get home until around 5:30pm....so that's dinner time...which leaves me the only choice to work out in the morning. In to have myself showered and ready for work, have my daughter dressed and fed, and be out the door by 5:30am...my "time to workout" alarm sounds at 2am. The things we do to be fit.... Totally worth it, though.
  • Skinnycow918
    Skinnycow918 Posts: 10 Member
    I did this to be me
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Way to go!!! Got to roll with the punches in life and find the time for the things that are important to us. I feel your pain. I have a 7:30a-4pm job that comes with an hour and a half commute (each way), a 2 year old, a dog, and miscellaneous other responsibilities to tend to on a daily basis. I don't get home until around 5:30pm....so that's dinner time...which leaves me the only choice to work out in the morning. In to have myself showered and ready for work, have my daughter dressed and fed, and be out the door by 5:30am...my "time to workout" alarm sounds at 2am. The things we do to be fit.... Totally worth it, though.

    Oh my lord, that's a lot, kudos to you.