Does Running ever get easier??

I've been running lately, but it's SO hard. I can maybe run for 3 mins then I have to walk then start running again, and so forth.


  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    Certainly try the C25K program/App. It is more structured and keep increasing the running times every week. It is very satisfying to see the progression week after week. Also, it may be helpful to slow down your running pace a little. Try to run in a pace that you can at least take 3 steps breathing in and 3 steps breathing out. It might feel very slow but we need to keep in mind that people, even the elites, run faster in shorter distances than longer ones. We would need to slow down to run longer.

    I started C25k two years ago and I am more than double your age, if I can do this, you can too.
  • Dano74
    Dano74 Posts: 503 Member
    Yes it does! Consistency will curb the difficulty but it does take time. Keep pushing boundaries (5 seconds longer, 10 seconds longer, 30 seconds longer than yesterday) and your cardio output will increase. Your body doesn't like being "beat". That said, you never want anything to be "easy" per say... as you get better, you'll just push harder- longer runs, longer time running, etc.

    Previous poster (Dhatri) has it right on.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I can maybe run for 3 mins then I have to walk then start running again

    That's the standard way people progress at distance-running, so don't be dismayed. As Dhathri mentioned, the "couch to 5K" program has a structured routine for doing just what you're talking about. Even if you ignore the details, a lot of people follow that and have good information related to it. So maybe check it out:
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Best way I have found to run longer is to run slower. It builds endurance. You'll get faster in time, but slow it down.

    Certainly if you aren't already try a structured programme such as c25k. There's many of us here who've learnt to run using a run/walk approach.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,884 Member
    Yes, it does!

    I was attempting to run on a treadmill when I was near my heaviest weight, starting about a year before I joined MFP. I could manage a few minutes of running, then I had to walk for quite a while until I could see again, then I'd run for a few more minutes.

    After I had lost about 10 kg, I tried running on the beach and managed to run further than I had on the treadmill. Cool!

    Fairly recently, after losing about 25 kg, I tried running on the treadmill again, and got up to running about 45 minutes non-stop. I got into a zone and it was OK. :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yes, eventually. Cross training really helps.
  • Naruya8
    Naruya8 Posts: 48 Member
    3 minutes is a lot better than where I started, but now I'm able to run a full 5k without walking. Like the others said, a C25K will really help you work your way up to being able to run 5K in a couple of weeks time.

    I would reccomend using Zombies, Run 5K, which is what I used. It combines a storyline with running drills that get more intense every week of training, in a way to get you ready for the 5K in 8 weeks. The storyline keeps you motivated to come back even when you don't feel like running, I felt that really helped me get through it. And if you end up liking it, the main app has 5 seasons and is a great way to get your runs in.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I've been running lately, but it's SO hard. I can maybe run for 3 mins then I have to walk then start running again, and so forth.

    Run/ walk is a perfectly reasonable way to start, although I'd support the suggestion upthread about using a structured programme. As much as anything else that both pushes you, and helps avoid overdoing it.

    As to whether it gets easier, you end up being able to go for longer.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    edited September 2016
    My $0.02: No, but you get better at it!

    And to echo some earlier comments:

    In order to run faster, you have to run faster (shorter distances at a faster than comfortable pace - sprints, Fartleks, etc)

    But, you can't do that every day - so some times you have to run slower in order to run longer

    And, a run/walk progression plan is a great start!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    oh yes, does take time, I was never a runner but have recently started, oh I love it now!!
  • jtcedinburgh
    jtcedinburgh Posts: 117 Member
    FWIW I have found that my running has improved since beginning SL5x5. I seem to be better at coping with hills. I'm not saying that I'm running faster - though I possibly am - but the effects of strengthening the body has made me better in areas that I hadn't previously thought needed it.

    Stick at running, it's great fun and a fine way to experience the outdoors!
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    It does. It takes time, patience and a lot of work but it does get easier. Stick to it, push yourself to do a bit more but don't do too much too soon, try a structured running program and you'll see great results!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    FWIW I have found that my running has improved since beginning SL5x5. I seem to be better at coping with hills. I'm not saying that I'm running faster - though I possibly am - but the effects of strengthening the body has made me better in areas that I hadn't previously thought needed it.

    Stick at running, it's great fun and a fine way to experience the outdoors!

    this is great to know - I'm about to start SL 5x5 as the mornings get darker and I don't much want to run alone in the dark so will be scaling back my running.

    My arms and shoulders were really aching this week - all I did was a 10k race on Sunday, so I can only assume I used my arms far more than people might think in running (I do try and pump with the arms) so strengthening the rest of my body should hopefully make me a better runner.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    In order to run faster, you have to run faster (shorter distances at a faster than comfortable pace - sprints, Fartleks, etc)

    I'd generally advise a new runner to avoid any speedwork until they can comfortably run for an hour at a time. For someone who's right at the beginning of the process that would be more likely to lead to injury than anything else.

    @MeanderingMammal - concur about getting to a "base level" before speed work.

  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    Nope, you just run harder and faster.

    The pace your running now will be easier though, and you'll start running faster without noticing it.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    physically, yes, it will. mentally, that can still be hard.
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    edited September 2016
    Never got easier for me. I managed to work myself up to 10k, but then realised I hated it and I struggled all the time, so no, not my thing.
    I'm great at cycling/spinning though, so I'm honestly not just a lazy b1tch!
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    Yeah it does! I remember taking a weight lifting class in college and part of the warm up was a run around the basketball court...I thought I was going to die lol then I started doing running and walk intervals and now can run up to 7 miles :) and its tough but I dont feel like dying
    Remember to breath deep...sometimes when I run I suck in my tummy...not good because you want to be able to inhale and feel in in your belly :) deep breathing