What kind do you use??

tkimbre2 Posts: 63
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
I wondered what kind of scale other MFP users are using. Is it consistant? I'm looking to buy a new one because mine has bit the dust. I get on it and it says I weigh 26.7 lbs lol. My 4 year old weighs more than that lol.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have a really cheapy Wal-Mart one. Doesn't tell me decimals or anything.
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    Yeah the one I have weighed myself on at home here, is about 10 pounds out or more :S kinda sucky. The only thing i would use it for is getting a number, and then remembering the number shown and continuing to weight myself on it and seeing if the number was lower. Counter productive to what a scales supposed to do though am I right?

    So I just use the digital one at my grandparents when I go visit them once a week or once every two, so when I go over I'll do the weigh ins for myself :P

    Probably for the best otherwise Id be beating myself up over the weight not going down.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Ha, I have the same problem. I weighed myself this morning and it said 123, then I moved it to another square tile in the bathroom and it said 118, LOL! I averaged in the middle @ 121...

    GL on the scale search, I'd also like to see what others are saying.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Mine is a digital from Target, Taylor brand. It gives me accuracy to the nearest 0.2lbs. It was only about $20
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Mine is glass/clear, idk what to call. it was 30 bucks at walmart!
  • I have an older model Health-O-Meter, glass... I love it, not only does it display weight, but I can program in my age, gender, and height and get BMI as well as body fat %, hydration level and bone mass.

    It's been reliable, but was discontinued apparently, not sure what they've got available now.
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    One of my MFPs recommended this scale:


    It has worked really well for me. Some of the negative reviews say you have to tap it really hard, but the one they sent me a few weeks ago doesn't need to be tapped. So far I love it and it looks nice too.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I've got a Health-o-Meter digital one from Walmart. I think it was like $20 or so maybe? It measures to 0.2lbs. I normally weigh myself 3 times in a row and take whichever weight shows up 2 out of the 3 times.

    Used to have an old analog scale before upgrading to digital. It was super hard to see how much I weighed, especially considering the fact that I'm like 6' tall. Hard for the ol' eyes to read such tiny lines from so far away!

    I've been thinking about getting one that tells body fat percentage, but I just got this new scale about a month ago. Gonna give it some more wear before I get another one.
  • hairdesigner81
    hairdesigner81 Posts: 2 Member
    Weight Watchers scale from Walmart and it is pretty accurate!!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I have a "doctor's scale".
    Accurate to the ounce. Brutally so!!!
  • tkimbre2
    tkimbre2 Posts: 63
    Weight Watchers scale from Walmart and it is pretty accurate!!

    I wondered about those! I was thinking about getting one, but I wanted to see other brands. I have a health-o-meter that I got at walmart but it died!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Cheap walmart one. Digital. It's called the healthometer and i LOVE it! =)
  • I have a weight watchers one. Its pricy but tells decimals
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I use one of the weight watchers scales from walmart. cost about 50$ and I've been using it for over a year now and it works great.
    It's digital and weighs in 0.2 increments
  • weight watchers glass scale from Walmart. Also tells BMI, bone density, water weight. Consistent readings too no matter where I weigh myself in the house.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I got a cool Tanita one from my wife for my birthday. Digital readout, measures body fat/water balance or something too. I can't find the instruction manual now, so it's a pretty digital scale until I can locate the paperwork.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Weight watchers from Costco
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