Ladies with PCOS

Kassielin13 Posts: 263
Hi Ladies! Just curious if there are many on here that battle PCOS with me? You are more than welcome to add me as a friend!


  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I'm a PCOS lady.... unfortunately!
  • Kassielin13
    Kassielin13 Posts: 263
    Are you currently on any meds for it? I am on 1000 mg Metformin and BC. Just recently found out that I also have anemia from the PCOS.
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I'm on BC.. I tried metformin a few years ago and it made me so sick I had to stop.....
  • Kassielin13
    Kassielin13 Posts: 263
    My first month on it was awful, but my body seems to be adjusting.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I was diagnosed at 12 and on bc since then. Now at 34 I've been perimenapausal for 5-6 years. The joys of being female.
  • Kassielin13
    Kassielin13 Posts: 263
    Nice to meet both of you! For a while I felt like no one knew what I was going through but now I am aware of the many women and girls that battle this with me.
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    I am. I'm currently not on any meds though. The one time I was on Met was HORRIBLE, so I am just staying med free for a bit.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    PCOS here too. There are a lot of us on here. I never realized how common it is until I joined MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend as it is always nice to have folks that understand this struggle.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I also have PCOS. I am currently on 1000 mg of Metformin..which really agrees with me. I also have hypothyroid..(from which I have heard goes hand in hand with PCOS) and am taking Armour thyroid

    Before I took all this losing weight seriously...I lost 13 pounds cause the meds were finally working..but since have lost about 7 more...
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    It's been a while since we've checked my levels and such... actually a couple years (since my divorce) ... I've just went the route of BC and dealing with it... but maybe it's time to go back and be re-evaluated.
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    I have PCOS and I'm suppose to take Metformin but I don't. I take chromium polynicotinate instead (not suggesting to anyone that they stop there meds!).
  • msmgis
    msmgis Posts: 15
    I have PCOS too. I'll send you a friend request.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    PCOS here too.
    Not on any meds. Used to take Metformin but it didn't help me and I used to take BCP but I hated the possible side effects so I stopped those as well.
    I lost weight last year, it regulated my cycles and made me fertile .. LOL
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I have PCOS :(
    I take Metformin and Spironolactone... Im not exactly sure what this is but I think its for diabetes or something...
    Gyno says that one of the side effects of it is hormones.... Which is what I need. Apparently my FSH and LH???? Are jacked up... I am not sure if that is right but you guys know what I mean.

    Add me if you would like. Always good to have a friend.
  • Kassielin13
    Kassielin13 Posts: 263
    Thanks everyone for the comments and the adds! I am praying that with the weight loss I can come off of all the meds and become regulated and fertile!
  • Yep. I have PCOS and take metformin.
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    I have PCOS -- was diagnosed at 17 when I finally brought up the fact that I never had periods and was starting to get nervous about it (after the awesomeness wore off). My doc has me on BC (Yaz) and I've been on various forms of BC since I was 17 (7 years). I'm hoping that losing weight will help out with things. My doctor says that when we decide to have kids, to just stop taking the BC and try for a few months, and if nothing happens to go see her and she'll give me a pill that's supposed to let one egg down (10% risk of multiples) and that we should be good. I'm not as confident as she is, but we'll see.
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    I was told I had PCOS the other day. Got some blood work back and my glucose was pre-diabetic...and i have inflammation level at 10...which im thinking can happen with being over weight and PCOS? Also my vitamin D was very low. So I just got tested for my isulin levels...which im expecting to be high. So since then i have been only eating chicken, fish, and veggies...and fruit. Just trying to find a diet...may meet with a nutrionist to get some advice.
  • red_hatorade
    red_hatorade Posts: 166
    I have PCOS :(
    I take Metformin and Spironolactone... Im not exactly sure what this is but I think its for diabetes or something...
    Gyno says that one of the side effects of it is hormones.... Which is what I need. Apparently my FSH and LH???? Are jacked up... I am not sure if that is right but you guys know what I mean.

    Add me if you would like. Always good to have a friend.

    Usually the Metformin is diagnosed to control insulin resistance in women with PCOS. i was not insulin resistant, but tried Metformin to try and help me become pregnant. I guess some women have success getting pregnant with the help of Metformin for reasons I am unsure of. It made me sick, so I stopped taking it. The Spiro is usually to aid with hair loss, I believe.
  • red_hatorade
    red_hatorade Posts: 166
    I was told I had PCOS the other day. Got some blood work back and my glucose was pre-diabetic...and i have inflammation level at 10...which im thinking can happen with being over weight and PCOS? Also my vitamin D was very low. So I just got tested for my isulin levels...which im expecting to be high. So since then i have been only eating chicken, fish, and veggies...and fruit. Just trying to find a diet...may meet with a nutrionist to get some advice.

    Believe it or not, many women swear by using Cinnamon to help control their sugar levels. You should look up It is a PCOS forum/message board community. It is so helpful. If you want to add me on there, my screen name is x_siobhan_x.
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