Do I have to give up coffee completely?



  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    *Sips grande skinny vanilla latte* No enjoy your coffee. skip the sugary add ons bc they add up.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Coffee actually has quite a bit of nutritional value. Excessive caffeine isn't good for you, but a moderate amount of caffeine isn't a biggie either.

    Take these kinds of articles with a huge grain of salt...even ones that are written on studies often misinterpret those studies or cherry pick certain things from those studies to make for more sensationalized reading and thus more sales.

    Your best bet is to look at actual studies and not articles.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Nope! I drink coffee shamelessly almost everyday. Coffee itself usually has 0-5 calories, it's the add-ins that are bad. There are tons of hacks that can make a lower-sugar coffee taste delicious though. Try out a cold brew + coconut or skim milk with a few pumps of sugar-free syrup (vanilla or cinnamon dulce) at Starbuck's or a couple pumps of the unsweetened flavor shots (15 cals each at Dunkin' Donuts - they have endless flavors!). To "fake" a latte, get an Americano with an extra shot of espresso, no water and extra skim + flavor. Little to no cals, all the flavor and caffeine.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    DanerTee wrote: »
    Frankly, you can pry my morning coffee out of my cold dead hands.

    ^^ This ... right there.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    DanerTee wrote: »
    Pfft. When I first started dieting I was told to give up coffee and the weight would come off faster. I didn't question it and dropped it for the longest time along with soda. It worked, but I found that the problem wasn't coffee, it was the ton of processed sugar and creamers I was using that I wasn't logging. Now I drink it black with stevia for sweetener, and find it beneficial still. I drink it less, because honestly I like the creamers and sugar, but this way it's an energy boost and has 0 calories. Helps me keep my metabolism going. However, I still don't drink it past noon each day, because if I do, I won't sleep at night.

    Do you find that stevia has a terrible after taste? I drink my coffee black, but popped some stevia in my Americano once and had to dump it, it was so vile!

    I can't use Stevia for that reason. (And I've pinpointed it as something that may be giving me headaches). I tried Truvia in a cup of coffee once, and it had a horrible aftertaste and also kind of made my mouth tingle. For a moment, I was worried that maybe someone had left some kind of cleaning fluid in our coffeemaker.
  • JeanLaw131
    JeanLaw131 Posts: 78 Member
    DanerTee wrote: »
    Frankly, you can pry my morning coffee out of my cold dead hands.

    ^^^ This!
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    I actually started drinking more coffee when I started to cut down calories, I switched from tea with milk and sugar to black coffee to save calories.
    Moderate caffeine is actually good for you, up to about four cups is benificial to your health (obviously barring any medical conditions).
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    What. Please.... no. Just have a cup or two and be happy. I have been drinking coffee since I was a young child. Why they gave me coffee that young is beyond me. But here I am. Still living.
  • BeGrandLike
    BeGrandLike Posts: 184 Member
    NEVER! Coffee in moderation isn't bad for you at all. And also, coffee (in moderation) is delicious and low-cal and makes you happy and did I mention the delicious bliss of the first sip of coffee in the morning? And 'cause it wakes you up, it makes you want to get up and go and do things instead of sitting around, which has gotta be good for weight loss ;)

    Seriously, listen to everyone above- there are loads of studies showing benefits of caffeine in moderation as well as harms, so it pretty much evens out in the end. When you add that to "you like it and it makes you happy"? GO FOR IT!

    ..I mean, in moderation. Probably.
  • claraoswold
    claraoswold Posts: 89 Member
    If you don't have a reason to give up coffee, such as digestive issues, or reasons to give up caffeine line a heart condition, then there is no reason you should have to. Listen to your body. If you feel ok drinking coffee then drink it. And this is coming from someone who doesn't drink coffee.

    Pop science articles like to scare you. Don't listen to them. Listen to your doctor.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    If you haven't personally felt any ill effects then an occasional cup of coffee isn't really going to hurt you.

    I do limit or avoid caffeine drinks because I didn't like how they made me feel. I seem to be extra sensitive to it.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    If I didn't have my morning coffee nothing else would get done in my life. I drink it black to avoid calories but I still have 3-4 cups everyday.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    Giving up coffee?

    Haha. Hahaha. hahahahahahaHAHAHA

    I'm a chemistry grad student. When I defend my dissertation, I'm putting coffee on my acknowledgements list, and that's not even a joke.

    :D and I thought I was the only one who did that. My professor was seriously amused (which is saying a lot for that particular humorless man. May his soul rest in peace)

    On the topic: unless there's a medical reason there's no reason to give up anything (medical reason as in your doctor warmly suggests with a lot of emphasis that you give the particular something up. Alcohol in my case. I'd rather keep my liver inside of my body. Replacement parts are so hard to get.)

    As for caffeine... I actually take my migraine meds with strong cup of the stuff. It helps me digest the meds better/faster meaning they work faster, hopefully before I start puking up my guts from the pain induced nausea. My doctor laughed at me when I confessed that little fact and prescribed an additional anti nausea medication. But no where in that conversation did he even hint that it might be a bad idea or bad for me.

    It's always better to get your information from reliable sources. Anything that's scaremongering and sensationalist is NOT reliable. ;)

  • hillaryjess
    hillaryjess Posts: 39 Member
    tumsbums wrote: »
    I am a huge fan of a cappuccino or a yummy gingerbread latte now and then!

    Any help on this would be much appreciated - thanks! X :)

    I used to be the same way with caffeine. I'm not a huge fan of regular consumption myself, but I like it prior to a workout to give me that extra little jolt I need to power through either early in the morning or after a long day at work.

    But on to what I pulled your quote out for--if you like the occasional fancy coffee and you need a little more protein in your diet, you might like the PEScience Select Cafe Series protein powder. I'm a big fan of the vanilla frappe but they have a couple other flavors, too. There's roughly as much caffeine (100mg) in a scoop of the powder as there is in a standard 8 oz. cup of coffee.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    My life is in complete turmoil for the rest of day with out my daily morning cup of coffee.. ;) I am not sure fear mongering would scare me off..
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Probably shouldn't derive your health information from tabloid magazines is all I have to say to that.

    Is caffeine good for you? No. Is caffeine going to give you the cancerz? No.