What's your number?



  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    Mine would have to be 130...Im at 145 now but not budging.
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
  • tsmith6569
    tsmith6569 Posts: 63
    mine was 139.....great moment looking at the scale going NO WAY! Now I am at 133 and hoping to see 129! It's a very nice feeling
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    My first was 184. One pound less than my husband.
    My second was 152 . My pre- first-pregnancy weight.

    Both were incredibly, incredibly awesome days.
  • ShampooIsBetter
    Mine is 236. I was 195 when i graduated high school. During my first yr at college, I knew I put on some weight. But I was stunned when I stepped on the scales at my parents house and saw I had gained 41 lbs in a yr. I swore I would never get any bigger than that. Jump ahead 18 yrs and I was 72 lbs above that number. I've cut that down to 16 lbs now. I'd like to get there before my Bday (8-22), and this time i will never cross this line again.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    Couldn't have said it better myself - me too!!
    Mine would be 199.9...I would love to be able to say I weigh One hundred and something.....it puts a smile on my face just thinking about it :)
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I just saw it today. It's a 29 inch waist. I have never in my life been this small. I need to get down to 27 to fit my dream wedding dress and get a little assistance from a corset. I thought my weight would have to be in the 140s to see this number but I've been stuck around 155 for weeks but the inches are coming off.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    148......that's not my goal weight though, but I've been stuck where I am for awhile now I'd like to see this # on my scale to prove that I am making decent progress again.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    Bulk to 220lbs while keeping fat low.. my next goal
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    I think when I see a 30 lb loss, I'll be like '"wow..I am doing this!!" :)
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    I don't. No. I reached my first goal of 125 lbs. Now I'm on my second goal of 120 lbs. Almost there. Don't no wear to go from there yet. I do want to get tone up. Im happy with me no matter what!
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I have two besides my goal weight...199.9 because my Husband said i can't do it (jokely) and 185.9 because that would make me overweight and no longer obese!

    Oh that's a great answer! I should see when I will be overweight instead of obsese. Lol that sounds kinda awful! I'll be stoked when I hit 230 because that's more than 10% and I think will finally feel like a big difference.
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    199... I have not seen under 200 in close to 10 years now. I've yo-yo dieted since then and the lowest I've gotten was around 220. So honestly, even getting below to 220 will be magical.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I already passed one of my goal weights. I changed it again to something lower. I basically want to be at whatever weight where I don't have bellyfat and moobs. And I'm not sure what weight that is... so I'll just have to keep at it.

    Me too, though I'm actually at my first goal. Still a higher bodyfat than I hoped (19%) though. Dropped my goal another 5lbs...we'll see how it goes. Once my belly and LOVE HANDLES are gone...well, 5-10lbs heavier than that (in muscle) will be my goal weight lol.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    122. I have been there once in my adult life. I would like to get there this summer.
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Mine would be 140. That would be 20 pounds lost, and I think at that point I would be able to see changes and to wear smaller sizes.
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    This is approximately what I would say at each of the following scale readouts:c

    278 . . . You've gained it all back. Bad, GlitterMouse. You're back to square one.

    250 . . . YES. You're really doing it. Go, girl!

    225 . . . Whoa. Almost there.

    199 . . . HOLY (*&*(#@#!())%

    180 . . . I'm here. I've arrived. Thank you, Jesus.
  • lynn_1290
    lynn_1290 Posts: 11
    mine would be 110! Or at least being toned with a healthy body fat percentage
  • Lewre
    Lewre Posts: 22
    141 because that's the top of the range of what I should be. My goal is to be toward the bottom of my healthy range, but 141 is where I would feel I'm actually making progress.
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    Mine would be 199.9...I would love to be able to say I weigh One hundred and something.....it puts a smile on my face just thinking about it :)
