Aloha and Hooah!

Aloha, All! I'm new to the site and in love with it already. Counting calories has never been easier! I LOVE the tool that allows me to put in my own recipes to find the nutritional value of them. I've been very happily surprised at how low calorie many of my meals are and shocked at how high others are. Yikes to chili and cornbread! Lol.

A little about me...I am happily married to a soldier in the U.S. Army. Currently we are stationed in Hawaii. Any other Army spouses out there? We have three beautiful daughters. My oldest is 3! I'm busy all the time, and love it. Having three babies in three years has wreaked havoc on my body though. My goal is to get near the weight I was when I got married five and a half years ago. I felt great about myself then. I know I may never wear a size 6 again since my beautiful babies have changed the lower half of my body, permanently I'm afraid, however, I'm happy with those kinds of changes as they're a result of something wonderful. The parts I don't care much for are the extra fat around the belly and thighs. I've tried several different things, but haven't been able to stick to them. I feel finding this site might be a godsend. I'm looking forward to my weight loss journey. For me it's about so much more than just 'getting skinny' again. I want to look good for my husband, be healthier for my kids, and most of all just feel great myself.


  • TSimpson5
    TSimpson5 Posts: 6
    Welcome and good luck! I'm a soldier (National Guard), and I've been active duty as well. My oldest son is stationed in Hawaii. The key to losing weight and inches is consistency. We're all on the same journey. See you around!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    10 years in the military and saw my worst weight just last year. 233 lbs. Feeling great after finding this site. Life is great again.
  • ashleyaotto
    Hi! So glad you joined! This site really is great! And I really like your reasons for losing weight, sounds a lot like mine!
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome and a quick warning about this site. You WILL get addicted lol, I know I have. I am an Air Force wife and we are currently stationed in Louisiana with two kidlets. Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to add me if you want :)