When did you first SEE your loss?

I am down 22 pounds in the past couple months and doing great, of course the first week was like 6 lbs down then the next was like 4 and its been around a steady 2 lb loss from then on but honestly I don't feel like my clothes are fitting much different and I know its not good to lose too fast but I think its only natural to want to see something. I can tell slight differences but nothing drastic like I expected, I have never lost weight before and I thought 22 lbs was ALOT and that it would be like wow obvious, I am 5'8 and I guess just wondering if anyone else has been through this and maybe when I will see it.


  • i would love toknow when results are really seen too ! ;)
  • mikesnwgirl
    mikesnwgirl Posts: 112
    I am down 24 lbs and I see a major difference. I had to go buy some smaller clothes. Even the stuff I had that I couldn't even button up a couple months ago is now falling off. You should be seeing a difference by now. I'm sure it's more noticeable than you think. Just stick with it you will get there sooner than you think. Go try on something that you know is to small. You may be pleasntly surprised! Good luck to you and keep up all the hard work.
  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    I saw smaller clothes at about 20-25lbs lost and now that I am down 56lbs (since I started, prior to finding MFP) I am seeing a visual difference and of course a 2nd round of smaller clothes.

    I am pretty short (5 foot 2 inches ish) so I think it was easier to lose clothing sizes, but also harder to see a visual difference!

    Good Luck!!
  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    I saw smaller clothes at about 20-25lbs lost and now that I am down 56lbs (since I started, prior to finding MFP) I am seeing a visual difference and of course a 2nd round of smaller clothes.

    I am pretty short (5 foot 2 inches ish) so I think it was easier to lose clothing sizes, but also harder to see a visual difference!

    Good Luck!!
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I am down 17 (and then up 1 or 2 :( ) and I have noticed my tummy is smaller. Still fat, but smaller and my clothes are a bit looser over it.

    What annoys me is that although I see my upper body happily shrinking I see my lower body staying exactly the same and looking weirdly huge in comparison.
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    as I think I have lost most of mine in just my face, I saw mine after the first 10lbs. I am now starting to notice that I'm firming up and getting more toned and I haven't hit the 20lb mark yet. It helps me to look at pics of me from before I started. That always helps give me a jolt :)
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I am somewhere between 25-30 lbs total loss so far. I think at about the 20 lb mark I noticed my bras were getting big on me...sadly nothing else really is...although when I see myself in shorts I swear I have less knee-cleavage than I used to so I've got that going for me....which is nice.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I started to see it in my face at about 7 pounds. It became clear to me that my figure was different at somewhere around 12 pounds I think. I could see it on my husband after about 10 pounds. It's different for everyone, though. I think it depends on how much you have to lose, too. I've had many larger women tell me that at around 30 pounds other people really started to notice they had lost.
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    I lost a few lbs before starting here, and saw a change in my face. With 7 lbs down, I've lost almost a bra size and almost a pants size.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I still have a hard time seeing my lost and I've lost 83lbs total, some pre-mfp. I know my clothes are much smaller and I can shop for cute thing and not in fatty sizes but its still somewhat hard to see. I'm a bit of a cynic and tend to focus on the parts of me I still don't like. What I did notice is people treat me better.
  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    LOVE your photo and I also notice people treating me better (sad fact to admit)
  • honeyX0
    honeyX0 Posts: 26
    Thanks for all of the replies! I guess I have noticed in my legs but my face isn't really that chubby its the stomach I want gone lol. Thansk to all! Add me if you want.
  • honeyX0
    honeyX0 Posts: 26
    LOVE your photo and I also notice people treating me better (sad fact to admit)

    Thanks so much <3 I have a full picture of me at my starting weight, I'll add you so you can see it.
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    other people tell me i have but i dont see it
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    other people tell me i have but i dont see it
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I only see it when I look at pictures of myself from various events last year (like my friends wedding or when we had a movie night, etc), but then I think "What if I'm so delusional that I really still look like that and I think I don't?"

    What confirms it for me that I look different is A) My boyfriend tells me so, and B) My old clothes are literally tents on me now, and I'm fitting well into stuff that I wasn't able to wear last December because it was way too small. There's no way that stuff that used to be borderline tight and is now VERY loose on me is me being delusional!

    I still don't see it when I look in the mirror though, just me 30+ lbs ago.
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    I think everyones body is different. Don't worry if your not "seeing" the results. Just knowing your 22lbs light must FEEL good. The rest will come in time.
  • I am short 5 1/2" so any small loss or gain shows up quickly. (a blessing and a curse!) I have lost 15 lbs, some premfp and I can tell my face is thinner. You look great, our pic is gorgeous so keep doing what you are doing!
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I've lost 8lbs, which is about 5.3% of my starting body weight, and the only place I can see a difference in is my back rolls - they are almost gone! Other than that, I can't really tell a difference and neither can my husband. A couple of people at work have commented though :smile:
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I noticed that old clothes that hadn't fit in ages could comfortably fit in 10-20 pounds, and now at 45 pounds my old clothes are clown clothes on me. I can't believe how big they are when they used to fit so well!

    As for other people, my boyfriend noticed that I was smaller in my midsection and back within like 5 pounds, but I think he was just encouraging me. =) I had a steady stream of compliments from him before AND during my weight loss journey so that's hard to tell. The rest of the male world seemed to notice me after 20-25 pounds. I got asked out by strangers twice in two weeks, and now suddenly I'm noticing guys actually paying attention to me. I think it may be my own new confidence more than anything else, but it's still really flattering. =)