Stuck in a rut!

Hi I started this journey in February and as you can see from my ticker I've lost 44lb which is great but for the last month or so my weight loss has slowed it took me ages to get under 168lb I'm now 166 and seem to be stuck again I've got to get to about 145 to be on the top end of my healthy range. Is it normal for the loss to start slowing the nearer you get to your healthy weight?

Am I the only one struggling like this?


  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    yes it slows and kills ur spirit!
    I have been stuck at 75 kilos for 2 months, I have just got down to 74 like today....
    I have to get to 68 kilos and IT WILL KILL ME!
    You have to find what will work and mix up your calories, eat more or less....i ate less yesterday and it worked for me, and today I ate more, not much more and not much less but I hope to see a better drop in my weight!
    Good luck!
  • Chris_476
    Chris_476 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm feeling very frustrated. I do a Jilian Michaels 30 day shred dvd, and so far I lost 3 pounds and then I went back to my original weight. Now I know it's only been two weeks ... but really? I watch and record everything I eat. I don't understand. :(
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Assuming that you are working out, remember that muscle weighs more than fat. SO your size may decrease but your weight does not. Sounds like you are at the point where you should look in the mirror and not the scale....I hope to do the same in a few months!