bad night

I had been doing good all week and was very discouraged when I did not lose a single pound after doing 60 minutes of cardio every day and strength training. Last night I was bored and lonley and blew it! I ate two pieces of 3 cheese bread from hungry howies and some tapioca pudding, that put me over by about 300 calories. Ugh! I don't have a lot of willpower to begin with so not seeing a loss on the scale was tough. I need that loss for motivation to stay on track. I am generally a pretty positive person so I am going to get back on track today and try to stay there. Wish me luck.


  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    You will not need luck!! Today you will make better choices than you did yesterday!!
    (at least thats what I'm telling myself.......we seem to have had the same day) Working this nightshift put me way over cals too!!
    Keep working out and you will see a difference!! Just dont give up!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I know this seems like a personal thing to talk about, but is it possible you are starting your period soon? When it's the time, I can't rely at all on what the scale says. I ran four separate times this week alone and only had one "over" day and the scale says I've gained, though everything else (how I feel, how my clothes fit) tell me this has been a big week for weight loss.

    Ignore this week, don't log the weight difference, and try again next week. You'll do great!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Maybe log on when you are feeling that way and ask for help before you do it. Going on the message board will take your mind off of eating. If you add the things to your goals before you eat them also puts it in your face before you put it in your stomach. As for not losing, no way to tell unless you open your diary.
  • parrotmomma1
    Don't forget your water! I hate water...I mean HATE! but as hard headed as I am about the subject I finally gave in and found ways to drink half my body weight in much as I hate to admit it. It truly speeds your metabolism. Blahhhck. Lol
  • bzmommie
    bzmommie Posts: 39 Member
    One thing you have to remember is that you may be gaining muscle. So the scale may not show a loss because muscle weighs more. You have a great attitude, know what you did wrong, and will do much better today. :)
  • smkey
    smkey Posts: 121 Member
    The scale can be evil sometimes. When the scale hit the pause button for me, I measured and was still moving things around in the right way. You've got to remember, muscle weighs more than fat.
    The other thing you need to think about - is some people need more calories to run their body than others. Last night's little "binge" may be just what your body needs to realize it's not starving. If you're working out vigorously, you may need more calories than what you're taking in. So keep that in mind too. Play around with things - see what works.
    The big question is - do you feel better? Do some of your clothes fit better? Is your cardiovascular fitness improving? Don't give the scale so much power. YOU deserve the power instead.
    Good luck and don't give up!
  • Sherrylynn69
    Sherrylynn69 Posts: 48 Member
    A one day slip up is normal, don't beat yourself down about it. Start over today. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    i feel you- last night, i went to have a "taste" of peanut butter and ended up eating probably 3 tablespoons! ew/yum/dammit.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I had one those nights a few days ago. One of my MFP friends said "if it were easy, we'd all be a seize 2". It's not easy hun! I suggest finding a hobby, like a craft or starting a new book... or even giving yourself a mani/pedi when those feelings and temptations come up. It takes a lot of willpower! As for the scale, all that work you did may not have shown up but it wasn't for NOTHING! You still did a good thing for your body.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    My scales live in the garage now for this very reason!!! I know I'm on track and I know I'm doing all I can right now, I'm down cms and dress sizes, I now refuse to be ruled by a number on a scale
  • ladyrhees
    ladyrhees Posts: 26
    One thing you have to remember is that you may be gaining muscle. So the scale may not show a loss because muscle weighs more. You have a great attitude, know what you did wrong, and will do much better today. :)

    A pound is a pound no matter what it is. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle. The difference is in the amount of space they both take up. Fat has more MASS than muscle. :)

    I pick one day a week to weigh in, at the same time in the morning after voiding every possible thing and yes we weighs in nekkid. Your weight will fluctuate during the week depending on time of day, what you've eaten (sodium, eep) and hormonal influences, etc. Instead of gluing your eyeballs to your scale, focus more on how your clothes fit and how you feel. Do you feel less winded after exercise? Are you able to do more reps without straining? Can you zip your jeans without laying down sucking in your gut and yanking the zipper up with pliers? (ok that last was extreme, but I was once there ;P) The scale is a tool to show you how much your mass weighs. Athletes can be overweight but clearly not "fat". It's all in the distribution of your proportions. Keep up the good work and don't let drawbacks make you quit. Use them as kindling in the fire of determination to come out on top and reach your goal!