
Hi everyone!

I'm kinda new here and today I completed my 2nd entry! So excited! I haven't stepped on my scale yet other than the first time 2 days ago >.<. Man does that give anyone a wake up call. Anyway, I hope I can lose a little bit of weight. Everyone is saying to start small with the goals so I set mine to lose just 10 pounds. It will be a challenge for me to keep my calories up/down. I had bad habits growing up where I would eat only around 800 calories or less a day and then binge a good 2.5-3k the next 2. I really think that's where one of my issue was and still kinda is. I'm not afraid to say it, I'm 205 ATM. I'm not happy since I'm supposed to be in the 140-150 range due to my height. No one to blame but myself for where I'm at. I started that dailyburn thing I saw on a Hulu advertisment and it seems interesting and fun and helps me get my exercise in for the day. I just think it's so neat that you can add all your foods and stuff on here and even scan stuff with your phone. Also if anyone has any good recipes for chicken please share!

I hope to maybe make friends here as well.

I'm terrible at introductions.
-from the great wookiepants
