New and wondering if this will finally work for me!

edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone,

This site was recommended to me by my family doctor whom was trying to discourage me from diet drugs (which I am not taking at the moment bty) I have about 60 pounds to loos give or take and I have lost about 100 so far over a 7 year period, It takes alot of work for me to loose weight, I havent put any back on which is great I know but I cannot get under 200 and I am wanting to hole up in my home and not go anywhere. I only started yesterday, found out I was eating about 400 more calories a day than I should have been, and it was a success so 1 day in it has to be right.

Does this really work? I am having doubts already!

Thanks in advance to anyone who comments


  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome! This site works if you are honest with your logging and you WANT it to work. The support from everyone is the best! There are some really great folks on here who know what you're going through. Best of luck!

    Add me if you'd like--I always like new friends!
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    this site isn't a miraculous place that allows you to lose weight, lol... if only it were... its just a great place to meet new people that are also losing weight. i love it for the fact i can track my calories with out worrying about counting all day. i love adding in my exercise and seeing how many calories i burned. this site will work for you if you are dedicated. seeing as you have alraedy lost 100 lbs, i think you def have the dedication! congrats, and heres to those last 60!!! :) welcome to mfp!!!
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I just started on here 2 weeks ago, and in the first week I lost 4 lbs. I haven't done my second weigh in yet, but will soon today, so we'll see. So far, I love it! It makes me accountable for the food I eat, and I love having other people able to see and comment on my food choices. I suggest having your food diary either public or open to friends. The support on here is great! Good luck with your journey!
  • ylandra
    ylandra Posts: 5
    Hiya! I think that this site is going to help you (and me) a lot! I really like knowing how many calories I have left for the day - it really makes me think about whether or not I really want to put that in my mouth. ;)

    Good job on the 100 pounds you've lost. I "need" to lose about 140 (I'm right around 280 right now) but my goal is 180. Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do.

    My feeling is that yes, keeping track of your intake and exercise does work - but just like anything you have to keep up with it. What I like about this one so far is I have it on my phone, computer, and iPad - so no matter where I'm at I can add to my intake.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hi and welcome,
    This really does work, and the reason why keeps you accountable
    to what you eat because of the wonderful logging and tracking foods and

    Not to mention all of the wonderful support and motivation you get here!
    Give it a try you have everything to lose and nothing to gain! lol

    Best of luck to you with meeting all of your weightloss goals!
  • It definitely works if you commit to it. :) I tried loosing weight for 3 years - exercising, eating right(well what I thought was eating right lol) but the weight just wasn't coming off. Committed to this site in March of this year and the weight has started coming off. 22 lbs down. :bigsmile: Good luck to you!
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    I am a returning MFP member...well I actually never left, I just don't do it 100% of the time lol! I am starting over though...I am trying to add as many friends as I can to help stay motivated and on track. I see a fitness coach weekly and all of the things on MFP are pretty much what she preaches and she is very knowledgable (sp?) I really feel that a healthy lifestyle is what we all should be doing, no fad diets, no diet pills etc...I have a very hard time losing weight as well, but I feel that if I just really tighten the reigns and stick to all of my limits (especially sodium and sugar) it will work. I will add you as a friend and hopefully we can inspire one another!
  • Liz1dixon
    Liz1dixon Posts: 7 Member
    I think this site is the best. It is working for me. But initially it didin`t because I wasn`t in the right mindset. But now I am and it`s great. I have 5st (70lbs) to loose. I have also joined a Rosemary conley class (but not following the diet because I log everything I eat on this site) and in 5 weeks I have lost 12 lbs. I am going on my Treadmill every day for 30 mins per day (although I have just done 60 mins because I went out last night and went over my calories intake).
    Have you tried Hypnotherapy. I tried it a lot of years ago for Stress/Panic Attacks and it really does work.
    Good Luck and keep logging in and being honest in your diary.
  • thanson46
    thanson46 Posts: 1
    To "last resort mom":

    Just wanted to say you're awesome! And keep plugging away. You'll get there! I believe it!

    This site was also recommended to me by my physician. I tried it two years ago but was not diligent in tracking everything I did so it didn't work successfully. But this is my second time using the website and I have decided to be honest and committed to logging everything I put in my mouth. And "WOW"! What a difference now. In two weeks I've lost 6 lbs by "just being committed". It really hasn't been that hard if I stick to the eating habits my doctor has recommended. 1200 calories a day, plus watching my carb intake and getting the right amount of protein. I have to say, after years of fad diets, the only true way for us to keep our weight where we want the age ole adage, "it's all about what goes in and whatcha gotta do to burn it out".

    Diligent Diva
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Yes it works quite well. It really depends on you though. There is a learning process that you have to yearn for. Starting with calories and nutrition. Then there's the big challenge, why did I gain the weight in the first place. That can be an ugly answer. However once discovered you are releasing a burden.

    There are no good short cuts to losing weight. I mean you didn't take a pill to gain weight did you?!
  • morgat17
    morgat17 Posts: 17
    Plateaus are part of the fitness journey. Speak to a trainer or a nutritionist or just a friend who knows about health and fitness. Get some suggestions from them on how you can push past it! You CAN do it! It's easy to get discouraged on such a long journey, but just think of the final will all be worth it! Add me as a friend if you'd like! The more support and motivation we all have, the better! Same goes for anyone else reading this post...add me if you'd like! I sure need the support too! :)
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It works if you work. It's not a miracle.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Just like a pill, this place isn't going to do the work for you. It's a convenient and easy way to track your calories every day and to log your exercise. It's hard sometimes to log every single thing you eat, but you have to be able to be honest with yourself. If you eat it, log it, even if it will make you go over your calorie goal for the day.

    Stick with it and be honest with yourself in your logs, and you should see some downward progress. It's not a fast thing, but hey, you didn't put on your weight in a few weeks so it's gonna take longer than a few weeks for it to come off.
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