Just starting out, again........

dowland5 Posts: 4
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I have been over weight for all of my adult life. Tried diet after diet. I set out again at 229lbs on a 5'2" frame not in the best of health. I am hoping that something clicks with me this time and I can keep what weight that I do lose off and not yo-yo back with even more weight. I know that I am not the only one out there with this problem but sometimes it is very hard to see that there are others out there in the same boat. Wish me luck! Here I go, , , , , , , , , , , ,


  • All the best. I know you can do it if you set your mind to it:wink:
  • destiny637
    destiny637 Posts: 79
    You have to want it very bad!! It HAS to be a lifestyle change-- I've recently learned this and i believe there is just no other way. You CAN do it!!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Here's to NOT dieting. Just making the decision to live your life healthier. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Jazzifel
    Jazzifel Posts: 2
    I'm starting again too. It's so hard the older you get. I have been trying for a year now to get back in track. With three kids and a full time out of home job, it seems to find harder to find thetime to work out. I'm trying to stay motivated too. That's why I joined this site so I can get some motivation. Keep up the good work. Little goals...I keep repeating to myself. Don't give up!
  • Jazzifel
    Jazzifel Posts: 2
    Definitely...just healthier living...dieting always fails for me.
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    Im in the same boat! It will work just stick with it!!!
  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
  • dy54
    dy54 Posts: 3
    I,m in that boat with you...at 5'4 and 230 LBS.......I'm sick of being fat AGAIN !!!!!!..SO READY to get it off.
    I'm starting today.Rode my bike for 30 min. today.....It's a start.....
  • livehappe
    livehappe Posts: 57 Member
    Good luck! I started over again January 1st after many yo yo sessions. This time, I have lost 33 pounds, and the way I have done it is not to give up after a bad day. Making it a lifestyle change rather than a diet has helped me to be more successful.
  • Lilale
    Lilale Posts: 2 Member
    So with you! Last spring I thought I could just eat sensibly and keep exercising without tracking food and exercise --umm, not so much. Gained 3 kilos. Back again and trying to learn from the past without being discouraged by it. Current lesson learned: Knowing accurately what my calorie intake is, every day, will always be necessary. Annoying but true. I'm grateful that this site makes it relatively easy.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I have high hopes that the social nature of this website is what will keep me going.

    I have also lost and gained a few times in my adult life. I'm a social creature, though, and knowing that there are people out there rooting for me (and to whom I'm accountable-- this is why I keep my diary open) seems important to me.

    Best of luck,

  • pulliams
    pulliams Posts: 4
    I am glad you decided to get back on the horse. Good luck!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I have been at a plateau for a while, so in many ways I am starting over. I am 5'2" myself and I do think it is a little harder for us shorties when we get close to our goal weight. At my highest I was 178 and now I am stuck at 140 trying to get to 130 or 125.

    My only advise is to remember this is a life change, not a diet. Make one small change at a time that you can stick too. If you change too much, too fast you may not be able to stick with what you are doing. Log your foods and exercise and post in the forums. There is a lot of support here at MFP.

    Good luck,

  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    People keep asking me if I'm still dieting. I keep telling them I'm not dieting. I'm changing my eating habits. You have to really think of it differently then dieting! I'm a fellow shorty (5 ' 0") and I was 200+ so I know the struggle. Hang in there! :drinker:
  • TracyMM
    TracyMM Posts: 2
    Hi, I have been using this program for awhile to lose a bit of weight but mostly to keep my weight in check. I start & stop but need to keep at it. My difficulty is having the app at hand, which I don't have. I have to keep running to my home office, opening up the program etc. etc. I am currently waiting for the arrival of my new iPod touch which I hope will allow me to use this program much easier and keep me on track. If you are thinking about eating something, put it in your diary b4 it goes past your lips, that way you know if you REALLY want to consume it - if it falls within your plan. Take one day at a time. You WILL eventually get to your weight goal. If you fall off track, just keep entering the data. It will aid you for sure. I too find it difficult to maintain my weight as I get older. Don't forget to exercise too. Walking is a great activity to do for free. If you have a pair of hand weights (start with a low weight 1- 2 lbs & work up from there), use them to try and build some muscle mass. Building muscle is important for weight loss as well. A few arm curls or even just carrying them while walking only helps. Today is day one. Do the best you can. When tomorrow arrives, also do the best you can. Good luck & keep us posted. Off to plan my weeks meals - very important to try and stay on track. Cheers!!
  • ... I am not the only one out there with this problem but sometimes it is very hard to see that there are others out there in the same boat. Wish me luck! Here I go, , , , , , , , , , , ,

    I wish you all the luck in the world! I spent decades unsuccessfully trying to lose - or maintain - weight, but I finally made it last year by refusing to give up. Every failure is a step closer to success! Because it really is so hard to keep up the momentum, keep your goal front and center until you're there. And never bite off more than one day at a time in your efforts! I used to get in trouble by projecting future monthly weights, falling short, getting discouraged, and giving up. Every day you spend with healthier eating is hardwiring you for longterm loss and maintenance, although the process feels sooo slow at the time.

    I started losing my 70 lbs. when I was 58, and at 59, I'm now at my goal. But since I spent literally decades struggling, I'm making a post-goal investment every day of time fixing healthy meals for myself - and I have to cook separately for my husband - and fitting in some exercise. I'm here to tell you it's definitely possible.

    One controversial departure from the norm I took throughout my weight-loss and weight-maintenance journeys has been to devote one day a month as a "feast." A fave relative and I have lunch at an all-you-can-eat buffet, and we literally spend a couple hours there! You don't want to know how many desserts I eat :) But even while losing weight, I never felt deprived, because I could - and did! - count the days 'til that one meal. I still lost weight steadily, and I'm still keeping it off. I used that day for Thanksgiving and Christmas, too :) The important thing is, the minute you get up from the table at that meal, you're right back on track with your eating behavior. So far, so good...
  • I'm 21...and I've yo-yo'ed a few times and I'm at my highest number of weight now, but still fit into the same size jeans I wore a couple years ago (just a little tighter), but they're not as comfortable. It's hard to lose that weight but you have to put your mind to it, and this time I think it'll stick! It's all about portion control, reducing the amounts of junk you eat (and I have cut out soda..not that I drank much before), and exercising! If you put your mind to it, you can do it!! :)
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