P90X help please! People for and against it!

jellykellybelly Posts: 4
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I want some honest opinions on this P90X I keep hearing about. I see the results these people are getting and it's HUGE. What does it entail doing? It's expensive and I don't want to buy something like this if I'm not going to like it, or do it. Any success/unsuccessful stories? Thanks!!!


  • klamont9
    klamont9 Posts: 59
    I've heard nothing but great things about P90x. I am in week 3 of Insanity and plan on doing P90x next so someone else could help you more.

    I do have the DVDs and I can tell you that you'll need a pull-up bar and some weights.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I like Supreme 90 better.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i am considering it next also have friends who have done it
  • brendddda
    brendddda Posts: 33
    I have it, it's great! I actually think some of it is fun. It's about an hour a day, it gives you an entire schedule to follow for the 90 days so all you have to do is put the disk in and do it. It does require a chair or stool, pull up bar, and weights.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I've heard nothing but great things about P90x. I am in week 3 of Insanity and plan on doing P90x next so someone else could help you more.

    I do have the DVDs and I can tell you that you'll need a pull-up bar and some weights.

    how much are pullup bars dont have one. have some hand weights, but probably need heavy ones
  • hillaryamanda1
    hillaryamanda1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Jelly Belly, - That should be my profile name too!
    It is really hard! I made it for almost 4 weeks! It is a hard committment! It is 6 days a week, for an hour to an hour and a half! It is awesome and I was getting fit, I just dont have the time. Now, I encorporate the videos a couple times a week, usually cardio and yoga. If you have the time and you are serious, GO FOR IT! You won't regret it! Protein shakes work just as well as what they say you should buy of there products..., just a hint! Good Luck in your decision in your life changes! Take care!
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! worth every penny! it just takes dedication. And we are all here to help with that!
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    It is 90 days of commitment! There will be days you don't want to do the workouts but you need to do the workout anyway!

    The nutrition is another sticking point for some people. There are three phases to the nutrition and to the workouts. If you follow the nutrition, you will see the results you are looking for! It is said to be about 80% nutrition and 20% workouts.

    The workouts are tough, but modify the workouts as much as you can to get them complete. By the end you will be keeping up with Tony and the gang!

    If you can stick to it for 30 days, you will be hooked on it and wont be able to stop until it is done! But then, you like it so much that it actually becomes PLifetimeX and will get you involved in other activities also!

    Don't be intimidated! I was but you can conquer them!

  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Most people only tend to comment when they hate something, so when all you see on the web is all the success stories and how people love P90X that should tell you enough right there.

    It's a great workout and truly all you need is a pull-up bar and some weights (or bands) and a chair. Say good-bye to the cost of a gym membership because you won't need it anymore.
    I've heard nothing but great things about P90x.

    I do have the DVDs and I can tell you that you'll need a pull-up bar and some weights.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    I just go to youtube and do the PX90 ab videos
  • InsaneMontae
    InsaneMontae Posts: 108 Member
    i completed p90x and had amazing results...lost 36 lbs.i did the "lean".. could have done alot better but i was not disciplined enough to follow to nutrition plan....it really works though..i would recommend it to anybody...give it a try.. im doing insanity now and im planning on doing p90x again when im done..
  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    I've heard that it's a very good program

    only negatives that i've heard :

    requires a lot of time daily
    may be intimidating for someone whose fitness level is not quite there yet
    the price

    Supreme 90 is a similar program that I got for $15 on Amazon.com, but it requires only 30 minutes daily (you can add in additional cardio if u want to). I think that would be a good place to start and then move on to p90x.
  • I have tried other Jillian Michaels workout videos before and can barely make it through that! This looks waaaaaay more hardcore that those videos. I am afraid of just getting discouraged. Did you guys struggle in the beginning? Do they start out slow? Should I work out for a while and then start these? I can't even do 1 pull up!
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    I couldn't do a pull up either, actually about 3/4 of one! You don't need to be able to do much just keep modifying the workouts, Tony shows you each modification you can do, and you will get there!

    Definitely struggled in the beginning, around day 30 you start to see a progression in the workouts as far as how much you can do and then before you know it, you have completed the workout!
  • gurlondrums
    gurlondrums Posts: 187
    I have tried other Jillian Michaels workout videos before and can barely make it through that! This looks waaaaaay more hardcore that those videos. I am afraid of just getting discouraged. Did you guys struggle in the beginning? Do they start out slow? Should I work out for a while and then start these? I can't even do 1 pull up!

    I love P90X. It can be tough at the beginning. The thing is you have to stick to the plan and you'll get awesome results. I can't do pullups. But guess what, you don't need a pull up bar or do to pull ups. You can use resistant tubes or bands. And they're cheaper than the bar.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,013 Member
    I've done four rounds (two full, two partial), so I clearly don't hate it. That said, it's not my favorite program either. My personal favorite, also by Beachbody, is Slim Series. I like the challenge of P90X every so often, but it's not something I could do over and over, back to back, for an extended period of time. Remember, the X stands for extreme, and I prefer my extreme in small doses. My muscles love the challenge, but my joints feel like they're ready for a kinder, gentler workout after I've finished a round. I don't know if I've helped any or just muddied the waters even more. :tongue:
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    You can also use resistance bands for pullups if you have someplace high up you can attach the band to. This guy in this video had a great idea of attaching to a second floor banister and this is how I'm starting:


    (this video also shows you how to modify using heavy dumbells. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUAH2CG6V6A&feature=related)

    I only plan to use the videos as supplemental to my 2x/week trainer workouts and my running (training for half marathon), while eating a normal healthy diet that I'm having success with tracking in MFP, so I'm not doing the full program, as recommended. I just got the videos and did my first one last night (chest, back and abs). I also previewed the plyometrics video.

    These are challenging workouts, no doubt about it. You can certainly modify and take breaks according to your fitness level, however, if you have any injuries or are prone to injuries, P90X is not advisable.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I'm on my second round of it and really like it. I don't have a place to use the pull up bars without permanently mounting one in my living room (not willing to do that!) so I use the bands. I bought mine at Sports Authority; got the interchangeable handles and buy heavier bands as I need them so I didn't have a huge outlay at the beginning.

    The program alternates strength days with cardio days and the workouts can be pretty tough but with a little modification they're all doable. I love the changes that it's making to my body and consider it money well spent.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    bands i have
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Overall, I would recommend it to anyone of any fitness level. It is TRULY scalable...from completely out of shape, to extremely fit. I enjoyed it, it was hard work...but that wasn't the problem. The problem was being a working single dad of 3 kids and not having the time between my other obligations.

    What I will probably do now, is implement it every six weeks or so for a week or two...as a change up to my existing bodyweight routine (if you're curious, look on the first page of my link in my signature). Additionally, for me...the cost of the weights is prohibitive. I bought 15, 20, 30, and 35lb weights, all my local wal mart carries...and it's nowhere near enough to challenge me. At basically $1/lb or more...dumbell style weights aren't cheap at that level.
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