When did you first SEE your loss?



  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    There are two types of fat: Visceral (around the organs) and Subcutaneous (under the skin).

    Losing the subcutaneous will generate the most visible results, but visceral fat loss is essential for good health. You can google and read up on this topic.

    Perhaps most of your weight has come from visceral fat so far... no way to tell, but something to consider.

    You need to feel good about your progress so far and stay committed to getting to your goal. You have made significant improvements to your health already and your body is very thankful.

    Keep focused on optimizing your health and the outside will eventually reflect the good health you are enabling from the inside out. :smile:
  • NatashaJayne23
    It completely depends upon how big you were to start! The bigger your start weight is the less likely you are to see results straight away. You will deffinately tell by trying on clothes that fit but were a little snug or somehting from when u first started dieting you should notice having more room in them. Dont forget also you see yourself everyday so gradual changes that occur on a daily basis are not as obvious to you as what they are to others. Try taking full length pictures of yourself in the same swimwear or underwear every month and you will visually see the difference that way. Dont be too disheartened about not being able to visibly notic the difference yourself, othr people will be able to and so as long you feel better thats all that matters. Honestly, 22lb is amazing!! You're doing so well!! Keep up the good work and you will see a difference in no time!

    - Natasha x