Not looking for advice, just people to talk to



  • BreonnaQueen
    BreonnaQueen Posts: 58 Member
    edited September 2016
    One of my LEAST favorite kind of people is people who want to tell you how to lose weight and they've never lost an intentional pound in their life... especially when you didn't ask for their advice lol!

    Feel free to add me! I'm all about motivating and encouraging.
  • Emmalovestorun
    Emmalovestorun Posts: 168 Member
    Add me if you like
  • Mirelle242
    Mirelle242 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey feel free to add me as well. I don't post my journey on Facebook but I do it on Instagram because I do get more inspiration and motivation from there than on fb
  • cmtristani
    cmtristani Posts: 117 Member
    You can add me too if you want... I had to stop posting on facebook. Turns out about half my friends are expert dieticians, fitness coaches, or professional athletes and they all know for sure that I am doing it wrong and their way is better. its just easier to keep this part of my life here on mfp.
  • Estefani_H
    Estefani_H Posts: 17 Member
    I know how it is my family and friends are doing the same.
  • st_da_ma
    st_da_ma Posts: 8 Member
    Add away! I am looking to meet a talk with people while sticking with MY plan. I never new my friends and coworkers were certified fitness coaches once they found out I was trying to lose weight -_-.
  • sandi_s
    sandi_s Posts: 46 Member
    Know that feeling :smile:
  • angrylibrarian87
    angrylibrarian87 Posts: 17 Member
    Ha, love this thread. Not loving how many times I've tried to post & failed though... I'm new to mfp & indeed to all this smartphone malarkey (bloody thing's driving me batshit, i tell you) so haven't quite figured out how to add you lot yet, but please feel free to add me!
  • lilac_bunny
    lilac_bunny Posts: 137 Member
    Don't you find it happens about loads of different things though. I tell someone something because i think they need to know or might be interested and they always take it that I want advice lol. So I might say oh I can't pick you up my cars broke and they will start trying to guess what's wrong with it and saying g where it needs fixing etc. I haven't told people I am trying to loose weight. Maybe not even myself? Just that I am trying to get healthier and be fitter. Less people give advice on the gym lol.
    I also hate when you ask a question and instead of an answer to the question someone decides to offer alternatives. Example does anyone know what time the bus is? And someone says, why don't you drive? Lol
  • thabrain3
    thabrain3 Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone is on a journey that's just as unique...not one strategy will yield the same benefits for one person...keep at that good work and feel free to add!!
  • heatherassaf
    heatherassaf Posts: 3 Member
    I know where you're coming from! I've been losing and gaining back the same 60 lbs. for years! It's been 3 weeks on this MFP app and I'm finding that eliminating sugar, flour, salt, red meat, anything that ferments is helping me a lot. Without the sugar I am not getting any cravings and am reasonably satisfied with a glass of water or two to tide me over. I'm walking 45 mins. at a good clip early each morning to kick start my metabolism for the day and breakfast is a bowl of oatmeal, preferably steel cut oats, some almond milk, half an apple cut up and 12 toasted whole almonds. Lunch is a very large salad with lots of veggies, a boiled egg or half a can of water packed tuna, lemon juice and a little olive oil. Dinner is chicken or fish, usually grilled and more veggies steamed or baked. Potatoes, yams, squash too. I snack on celery and carrots or other veggies. My calorie intake for the day is 1200 and the walk gives me another 200 - I'm fine with this amount. My husband can be eating his chips and beer or having his wine with dinner and I'm fine with that. Sometimes I ask for a sip and he sets me straight! I bought a beautiful red dress for the holiday season and when I'm having a weak moment I go try it on - it's one of those "almost fits" purchases! Also, we are going away for 2 weeks in January and I desperately want a new bathing suit!!! I am down 10 lbs. now and weigh myself only on Mondays - too much getting on the scale can be discouraging.

    I look forward to hearing how you are doing, Heather

  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    I just got back on the site, and it seems many of my friends no longer log in. You're welcome to add me!