Ready to start again

6 months after the death of a loved one I'm ready to lose the 14lb I put on. Lost it in a month last time. Currently trying to motivate myself to get back into the insanity workout..... Ok, I'm getting up right now & im gonna do it before work, maybe


  • starlight334
    starlight334 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Justin,
    You are doing a great job being strong and motivating yourself in the mist of adversity. Keep up the hard fight.

  • JessicaJune
    JessicaJune Posts: 69 Member
    Justin, I'm incredibly sorry for your loss. It's hard taking care of yourself when grief surrounds you; I know how difficult it is and trust that you are among people who will support you and cheer you on! You can do this. Small victories each day turn into large ones.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Good Luck Justin, you can do it
  • VanessaJ4
    VanessaJ4 Posts: 6 Member
    I also too lost a loves son at 21 days..I know how it feels in more than just one aspect. I wish you success. I am just now trying to get back to myself after a year. I can definitely help motivate you on any level you need. So sorry for your loss.