Any 40 year Olds out there?



  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I think after 40, we need to stop all the cardio and eating processed foods, and replace that with greener foods and HIIT ifwe are going to be successful and keep it off. I think women diet too much and workout incorrectly. I think weight training is the key.
    What's wrong with cardio. Would weight training help me run for the train without me feeling I am going to keel over
    What do you mean by working out incorrectly. So many people don't even bother to work out at all so surely some type of movement is better than none

    Nothing wrong with cardio IMO, but no need to do excessive cardio. As for helping you run for the bus - weights will help with this too. I know for a fact because after I started lifting one day I had to sprint for the bus and I got there without even puffing, whereas before I would have had a heart attack by the time I reached the bus.

    Weight training helps with us old lady bones and muscle tone to keep the bits from going south. CArdio doesn't help that.

    So - be sensible and do a bit of both.

    Eat at a slight deficit, lift heavy things a few times a week and do a HIIT or some steady state cardio and hey presto, everything is all good.

    Along with an 80:20 approach to food - 80% good fresh "healthy" food and 20% the stuff you want to shovel in your gob like cakes and burgers. That way you don't feel deprived but you are also mostly nourishing yourself with 'good' food.

    That is my 2c anyway
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    I think after 40, we need to stop all the cardio and eating processed foods, and replace that with greener foods and HIIT ifwe are going to be successful and keep it off. I think women diet too much and workout incorrectly. I think weight training is the key.
    What's wrong with cardio. Would weight training help me run for the train without me feeling I am going to keel over
    What do you mean by working out incorrectly. So many people don't even bother to work out at all so surely some type of movement is better than none

    Nothing wrong with cardio IMO, but no need to do excessive cardio. As for helping you run for the bus - weights will help with this too. I know for a fact because after I started lifting one day I had to sprint for the bus and I got there without even puffing, whereas before I would have had a heart attack by the time I reached the bus.

    Weight training helps with us old lady bones and muscle tone to keep the bits from going south. CArdio doesn't help that.

    So - be sensible and do a bit of both.

    Eat at a slight deficit, lift heavy things a few times a week and do a HIIT or some steady state cardio and hey presto, everything is all good.

    Along with an 80:20 approach to food - 80% good fresh "healthy" food and 20% the stuff you want to shovel in your gob like cakes and burgers. That way you don't feel deprived but you are also mostly nourishing yourself with 'good' food.

    That is my 2c anyway

    I agree with the do both. But for those who like their cardio none of my business
  • 44. I lost 75 lbs between 2012-2014 but gained back 32. Now I'm back on that journey only this time I'm recovering from a wreck 6 months ago that broke my left femur in two places and both bones in my left forearm. I've only lost 16 lbs but I'm down 2 pants sizes and my shorts are looser. I lift 5 days a week with a Saturday workout on the beach. I do cardio every day.

    It's not easy but we'll worth it no matter how slow the progress. Fall in love with the process.
  • jennylee274
    jennylee274 Posts: 19 Member
    42.. Nurse with twelve hour shifts and two hour commute. What I have lost this time has only been successful because mfp makes me diet accountable. Two kids and one husband who are not willing riders on my healthy train doesn't help. I understand the frustration only too well. I think our profession doesn't help because u don't have time to go pee let alone chew a healthy salad for thirty uninterrupted minutes
  • charlie_fox
    charlie_fox Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 44 and looking to lose approx 10 lbs (gained 14 in the last year). I work, have children and dogs - so quite busy. My husband is a personal trainer so I pick his brain a lot about exercise... but it always comes back to the 80/20 rule. What we eat is 80% of the equation when determining what your body will be like.
  • NAbramovich
    NAbramovich Posts: 131 Member
    44 year old here. I'd say it's definitely harder as you get older, but doable. What worked for me was just simplifying things. Instead of going low carb, vegan, paleo or whatever (I've tried it all, lost the weight and then regained it once I stopped), I just ate what I wanted, logged the food and tried to stop at the allowance MFP set for me. I started at 10K steps a day and upped it each week when it got too easy. It's been slow, but I've managed to lose 30 lbs since November 2015. I've hit a plateau for the past month and I know I don't want to eat less, so I'm going to incorporate strength training now. Good luck, everyone!
  • optiman38
    optiman38 Posts: 109 Member
    40 yes and are all feeling it just keep head up high, it will come off more i've just gone gluten free and it's falling off. maybe giving up the one thing i loved which was bread made a big difference to me.
  • Jdkbs
    Jdkbs Posts: 98 Member
    40 year old stay at home mom. I have more weight to lose this time. I get easily frustrated if I don't see the scale moving quickly and if I slip up and eat too many calories. I need to develop more patience and trust the process. Eat less, move more. I think its a confidence thing. I don't trust that I know what I'm doing and give up easily.

    I guess this is the work I need to commit to daily.
  • angrydads
    angrydads Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 44 here....motivating, inspiring and sometimes push people that need that extra something....inquire within.... lol
  • pspenny36
    pspenny36 Posts: 64 Member
    Hiya! I am 44, starting (again) been on a log-in streak (50 days) on MFP, longest in a long time. I have always had a weight problem (except those 5 years in my 20's where I was living on my own and could only afford rice and pb&j's). But now that I am getting older, it has been harder to lose the weight. I have quit smoking in the last couple of years, along with having a gall bladder removed, it has put me at my highest weight ever!

    I am now pre-diabetic, and borderline high blood pressure. I'm in this for the long haul this time. It sucks that you need a wake up call like this, but apparently, this is the motivation I needed. :o
  • CajunTess
    CajunTess Posts: 268 Member
    I'm 47 and it doesn't get easier with age. However, for me, it was just a matter of making myself a priority again. My suggestion is to start logging everything you eat, and log it accurately. Get a scale, and measure it. Exercise is great and necessary for a fit body, but if you want to lose weight, its all about calorie deficit.
  • Yukon_Jack
    Yukon_Jack Posts: 19 Member
    43 here....MFP has definitely kept me on the right path. I have lost 26 lbs in 3 months and I know that logging my food each day is the secret. I even log my food when I have a bad day and don't make my goals. I still have a "cheat" day each week, but I am almost OCD when it comes to logging my food on MFP (35 day streak currently).
    It is harder to lose weight after 40 but it is by no means impossible! Good luck to all on meeting your goals...and keep logging daily!
  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • Kelbelb75
    Kelbelb75 Posts: 90 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi ya, I am just still 40 (41 on the 29th), and have finally lost 33lbs/15kgs and need to stay motivated. Plus fighting medication (stimulants) hunger is almost impossible. You can do this!!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I'm 40 plus 10, and I'm here to lose 10 lbs. 9 gone so far, and the last 1 is being very stubborn. Wish all of you success on your life changing journey.
  • nuttygirly
    nuttygirly Posts: 24 Member
    40 here, and the struggle is REAL! Just sent you a friend request :)
  • groovin71
    groovin71 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 44 soon to be 45. I am at my heaviest weight. Sucks!
  • JSaus13
    JSaus13 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 42. I was thin my whole life and then I got pregnant at 24. I gained 70 pounds and lost all but 15. This was fine, because I really could've used those extra couple pounds at the time. Now? I'm 10 pounds less than my heaviest when I delivered!!! I never had to worry about what I ate and now I'm logging everything. Today is day two without my daily Coke from McDonald's (I'm still alive, who knew?). My biggest issue is that I like beer. A lot. I'm just trying to take one thing at a time. Good luck!!!
  • Teamdhb120
    Teamdhb120 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 45.