Help! Motivate me, please

carolynhaywood Posts: 26
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been exercising diligently for a while now but losing weight is SLOW. I lost 0 pounds this week and here's what I did"

Average 1200 calories per day
exercised 824 minutes (Monday - Friday) included running 2 mi/day , walking, hot yoga, zumba, stretching, mild calisthenics, running up stairs, weight training.
pedometer steps (Mon-Fri) - 76,320.

I burned a total of 5122 calories for the period (Mon - Fri)

How can I NOT lose weight this week? 3500 cal = 1 lb so I should have least lost 1 pound! I am 5 feet tall and weigh 141.5 lbs. I am a 56 year female. I can't eat less and I can't exercise more. What is happening? I have been working out since March 1. I started with a boot camp during March, added walking to that and lost 6 pounds. I have tripled my workouts during April and have lost only 5.5 pounds.

I try not to think about weight loss and concentrate on improving my health and fitness but I am really discourage about this week. I have worked so hard and that scale is my 'reward'.

What is happening? Any thoughts, opinions, motivation, support, etc. will be greatly appreciated!


  • the numbers haven't changed, but how do you feel? how do your clothes feel? that's a lot of guess is that you've probably lost some fat but gained muscle...and that improves your health and speeds up your motabolism. :) keep it up, you'll see change.
    JBRENTLINGER Posts: 160
    Try to increase your protein to 1 gram per pound you weigh. When my weight loss stalled, I increased my overall protein intake and it helped.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I know it can be disappointing to not see the scale move. We really count on it - especially since you've worked so hard! This is when you have to focus on the NSV's (Non Scale Victories). Do you clothes fit better? Can you exercise more and not breath hard or go further or do it better than b4? You have to focus on the things that REALLY matter. Because honestly the does a # on a scale? Unless you print up T-shirts advertising your weight and wear them around town - no one knows that # but you anyway. :)
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Have you lost any inches? Actually for the amount of activity you are logging you may not be eating enough calories. But like the others have said the scale is only one way to judge your success, how your clothes are fitting, how you are feeling are all ways to measure success as well. Good luck to you
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Slow and steady. Don't get discouraged and give up. You will see results. Make sure you are eating enough and the right foods. Just because your scale doesn't say anything doesn't mean you are not getting healthier. Get a measuring tape.
  • instructor03
    instructor03 Posts: 56 Member
    You are 56 years old and are getting active!! You are improving your cardiovascular system and doing your bones a good deed by doing the weight training. Think of your body as a furnace...... give it the fuel to burn the calories. Be sure to have breakfast (preferably include a protein) and continue to fuel your body throughout the day. Others have referenced that fat weighs more. I gained a few pounds when I started weight training, but I noticed a difference in my physique.

    You have more commitment and drive than people half your age. Keep up the great work!!
  • Thanks everyone! I have lost inches: 3.25 inches in my hips, 2.75 in my waist and by bra is on the third hook. I was a size tight 12 and can now get into some size 8s. I had a body mass of over 30 and it is now 27.8 (I think). That is my overall loss since April 1. Thank you for helping me focus on that.

    I am on Nutrisystem advanced diet but I don't eat any of their snacks or ice cream. I have a mid morning snack of a boiled egg and a 50 cal low fat cheese, a mid afternoon snack of a handful of almonds and an apple. I usually don't have an evening snack because I go to bed early. If I do, it is usually plain Greek yogurt. I also eat baby carrots on my way home. Sometimes, on intense days, I eat a Detour protein bar of 15 g

    Normally, I get well over my protein recommendations, but I have been thinking of increasing that. Most of my pedometer steps come from aerobic activity - I am now running 30 minutes everyday, walk as fast as I can for 35-60 min a day, run up and down stairs for 10 minutes everyday (that's about 20 flights of stairs - I do 2 flights a minute, each flight is 25 steps) and Zumba 2 hours a week. I'll be starting a new boot camp on monday for 3 days a week.

    Considering, all that ... what should I add to my diet?
  • srb1990
    srb1990 Posts: 37
    at a point in losing weight you will hit a plateau in which you may not be losing weight because the muscle you are gaining from toning exercises keeps you at the same weight but you should be losing inches...

    Personally i think its amazing that your that fit and you shouldn't be discouraged your obviously very fit and remember everyone is different...regardless of your height only you can decide whats perfect for your body, im 5 ft 4 and iv been told that i should be around 9 stone but my body rejects this and i become too thin...

    Do not give up...your making your way to a fitter and healthy should be proud :D
  • I finally lost a pound! I had to get on the scales twice to be sure.

    Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep myself motivated by wearing my size 8 pants and concentrating on the physical and health gain I have achieved.

    When I started exercising, I couldn't walk/run 1/2 mile without exhaustive effort. Now I can walk 2 miles at 4mph. I can also run 2 miles at 5mph, although that still takes a great deal of mental effort to keep going. Big, big difference in my cardio ability.

    I eat no sweets and am not even tempted by them. No fast food, no junk food. Every calorie is useful and necessary. I am in Zumba class with some women my age and I can tell you, my fitness level is way, way above theirs. It wasn't 2 months ago!

    Thanks for helping me to see this.
  • I can happily report that fat burning has taken over! I have lost 6 pound so far for the month of June. Since I hurt my back, I had to reduce/alter my exercise routine. I walk (fast) instead of run and therefore I am more in my target range for fat burning. Nothing else has changed.
  • srb1990
    srb1990 Posts: 37
    well done :D dont get discourages just keep going and you will see results :d x
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    Congratulations...your well on your way now.

    Best Wishes and good luck going forward.
  • enana88
    enana88 Posts: 17
    you shouldn't get discouaraged at all! that happens to most people when they exercise a lot! try giving yourself a break so your body can rest and swtich up your routines! i feel the same way you do because i am loosing weight so slowly and i know it can be frustrating :frown:
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