New Here! 28 will be the best year yet!

BlueEyedBeast27 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all! I'm new here!

I've lost weight before with diet and crossfit a few years back, but after getting out of a very emotionally abusive relationship I gained some weight back. And then starting dating my amazing boyfriend (but hes a chef) so weight came more.

My 28th birthday is next week so I decided to get started and make 28 my best year ever!

I'm counting to around 1200 cals a day, usually a bit more because of my exercise.

Yesterday was my first day of T25, although frustrating I can't find it to track on the exercise diary!

Anywho, My name is Meaghan. I'll be 28 next week (as mentioned) and I live in Charleston, SC. I'm ready to get these pounds off for me! Feel free to send requests. I only have one friend from around here on MFP and shes not using it anymore :(


  • Glitch615
    Glitch615 Posts: 16 Member
    Glad to hear you were able to get out of that relationship and met someone special! How is it dating a chef? My husband and I are terrible at cooking and are trying really hard to get better! ha

    You can do this! :)

    I have my calorie goal at 2130, but I have a lot to lose, so I will eventually cut that down.

    I think that having friends that support you is key to losing weight! I will send you one a friend request now (if I can figure it out! haha)
  • BlueEyedBeast27
    BlueEyedBeast27 Posts: 18 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm sending one now!!

    He can make some amazing food! But his hours aren't always the best, but he's worth it! I'm super determined now, more so than in a long time.
  • BlueEyedBeast27
    BlueEyedBeast27 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh, and I also have thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) and have been on medication since I was 24. Mostly have it under control, but it does still effect some aspects of my life.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi Meaghan! :]
    Happy birthday for next week!

    You've clearly overcome some challenging obstacles in your life, so losing weight will be easy for you. You're a fighter. You can do this - good luck.
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    Hey Meaghan, welcome! I've lost weight before, done crossfit before (now back at it) but last couple of years due to lots of work stress let the flab come back. So I'm relatively new here too and crossfitting again. Welcome.

  • BlueEyedBeast27
    BlueEyedBeast27 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I've rarely felt so driven. I loved crossfit, but I miss my old gym. I moved and the ones here just aren't as good as where I use to go. I'll make it work though!