Giving up the diet soda



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    What about keeping them out of the fridge? Only put one in the fridge a day. And then you have to wait for it to get cold anyway...

    Unless you like warm soda...
  • lustyrusty
    lustyrusty Posts: 46
    I used to be really addicted to coke and to wean myself off I got an ice cube tray and make coke cubes - every time I fancied coke I'd suck on one of the cubes and it took the edge off. (I only half filled it though!)

    Good luck trying to quit!
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    What about keeping them out of the fridge? Only put one in the fridge a day. And then you have to wait for it to get cold anyway...

    Unless you like warm soda...

    This is what I've been doing so far and it's worked! I've been stricter with myself too, using more of that stuff I thought I didn't have - willpower :wink:

    I've been looking around for shops that sell single cans around here but I haven't actually found any! They just sell 500ml bottles so I think what I'll do is buy a multi-pack and put one in the fridge at a time, then hopefully I can slowly cut down.

    I found the best piggy bank by the way - it's shaped like the golden idol from Raiders of the Lost Ark!

    So I may start a shoe/clothes fund as well and put the price of a can of coke in there every day I don't have one - hopefully that should encourage me to drink less :bigsmile:
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    Soda is horrible, diet or otherwise.

    I was a Pepsi addict and went cold turkey almost 3 years (in August) after I read what just 1 coke does to your body.
    Now I drink water... but if you miss bubbles, Izze (the bottle I'm kissing in my profile pic) is WONDERFUL, it's sparkling water and fruit juice... just drink it every so often, don't make it a daily habit (sugar).

    Wow Izze sounds wonderful! Sadly I don't think it's available in this country (UK) but I'm sure I could find something similar...
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    drinking coke(diet, not diet or whatever) everyday... omg that is just insane. I was drinking coke occasionaly, but since I've started my diet...never and now even thinking about drinking something fizzy or sweet makes me sick :) Just dont buy it all... you will be fine with drinking loads of water, a bit of milk and green tea... another thing eat an egg every morning, it really helps to reduce all those cravings for crappy things

    Wow I didn't actually know that - the cancer connection has never really scared me either but the idea that every time I have a coke zero it is eating away at my bones is definitely scary :noway:

    That will definitely help me give up - thank you!
  • WinnieX
    WinnieX Posts: 67
    I used to drink up to 5 cans a day, quit cold turkey and lasted a week until some friends brought a bottle of it round, I'm so bad even first thing in the morning I crave it.
    Hopefully when this bottle is gone I'll revert back to having none at all. Coke zero is better than diet coke though.. Think it's got no citric acid so it's kinder to teeth.
    I think the only way to quit is cold turkey as one always lead to 2 then 3 and so on for me.

    Good luck!
  • nini88
    nini88 Posts: 3 Member
    I Was so addicted to diet coke that everybody commented on it. when uni finished I decided to stop cold turkey because A) it was a waste of money B) i don't actually like the taste although i couldn't stop drinking it. C) i couldn't sleep D) i'd just live off diet coke all day, not realise i was hungry then be starving at night and eat lots E)sometimes i had so much i had jitters. as soon as i stopped i lost 5lbs and gained a much better appitite and have been losing weight since. can't prove weight loss and giving up diet coke where linked but it was a pretty interesting coincidence.
  • What helped the most was reading an article about how colas in general lower your metabolism.
    I'm a physician myself and it made perfectly good sense considering I had struggled w my weight and could not understand why even with diet it was so difficult !!
    Only after I started drinking ONLY water w/o any additives, I started to loose the 50# and 10 more to go!!
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    Thanks for all the tips guys! I had my first soda-free day yesterday. Long may it continue! :happy:
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I feel your pain. I used to drink 8 cans of diet coke and 2 -20oz bottles a day. What helped was having water handy. Everytime you feel like drinking a diet coke start telling yourself you need water, walk to the fridge or vending machine or store and select water. After a while you will on your own really crave water over diet coke. Worked for me I am down to 1-12oz can a day and I save that for dinner as my dessert. Good luck.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I actually did not intend to cut back on drinking diet coke, as I love the stuff and have no issues with using artificial sweeteners, but I found as a side effect of drinking the necessary amount of water, that I all but stopped drinking anything else. I just don't crave it the way I used to, and believe me, I could go through some diet coke. Now, I just have an occasional one as a treat.

    I doubt this is helpful, but this was my experience.
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    I actually did not intend to cut back on drinking diet coke, as I love the stuff and have no issues with using artificial sweeteners, but I found as a side effect of drinking the necessary amount of water, that I all but stopped drinking anything else. I just don't crave it the way I used to, and believe me, I could go through some diet coke. Now, I just have an occasional one as a treat.

    I doubt this is helpful, but this was my experience.

    It's all helpful - I obviously need to make sure I drink more water to make sure I am adequately hydrated. I craved a coke zero yesterday and almost bought one but thought better of it and water was just as good :smile:
  • I would say try to quit cold turkey and see how it goes! ^O^ Fantastic job on a whole day without soda so far, Squeaky! :D I've substituted sodas for Gatorade, Green Tea, and lots of water. I try to play a little game with myself and I chug a whole 16.9oz of water anytime I feel like drinking a soda. :D

    Hubby and I only drink sodas when we go out for a nice dinner or to the movies (rarely), it's sort of our "Wine" for us since we don't drink alcohol, hehe!

    I was just like you though! I used to drink soda non-stop. I loved the stuff. Every once and a while my husband relapses and goes Coca-Cola crazy, but the time between relapses has become larger and larger.

    Also! Substitute the Coke for a really tasty juice! I've noticed that juices, even the sugary kind, are delicious but your taste buds can get over them -really- quickly... So you'll be craving something without such powerful flavor, like water! XD

    Good luck! ^O^
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    I'm a diet coke addict as well unfortunately, I'l have around 4 cans a day easy. Although I want to reduce it in the long term I'm allowing whilst I'm dieting, as it cures my sweet cravings with no calories! And the acid won't be doing my teeth any good but I that's the same with fruit juice as well :frown:
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Diet Dr Pepper is my best friend. I used to be a major coca-cola addict, but about 7 years ago , I switched to diet. When i did that switch, I lost about 5lbs. I can drink DDP all day long. First thing in the morning, last drink at night. The other day when I was grocery shopping, it was $5 for a case, and I could not justify spending that amount of money. Cans of seltzer water were on sale for 2/$5 so I thought I would buy one case and try it. The bubbles trick me into feeling like I'm getting my soda - and they have some pretty good flavors! They are sodium and calorie free, sugar free etc. Today is my day 3 without diet soda! I didn't think I'd EVER make it that long. I'm hoping it sticks. Good luck to you.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Sigh, ex diet coke addict here. I cut it cold turkey from one day to another. I used to drink 5-6 of them a day and just cut them out completely. My husband kept on giving me crap about drinking soda and how unhealthy it was so I just gave in and quit. I have one on very rare occasions. I think in the past 3 months I have drank 2-3 cans of diet coke. That is all the advice I can give but good luck in quitting, it's hard!