hey! im new, i need a venting friend!

Hello, My name is Katie, I have been counting my calories for about a month now and have lost almost 10lbs. I really wasnt interested in posting on here but realized a little support would be nice. I hope to loose 50 pounds even though honestly at my height 5'4" I should really loose 80. But all i want is to love me again! and i can be big and beutiful but not huge and beutiful :-)


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I'm always up for new friends! :)
  • RoseVernon
    RoseVernon Posts: 88
    Welcome aboard!
  • kathrynkatana
    kathrynkatana Posts: 90 Member
    The community here is awesome and good luck on your goals :)
  • Jlo1028
    Jlo1028 Posts: 11
    Welcome, yes the support is always a good thing.
  • bmcmforfun
    bmcmforfun Posts: 32
    Hello, Katie. Welcome to MFP. Great job on your success thus far. Keep up the good work. Loving your self is important no matter what size you are. But your right, you want to feel good too. Stay focused. Make small goals and reward your self at each one. For example, for every 10 lbs I lose I get a reward. It helps me stay focused and not over whelmed at the total loss that is at hand. I wish you all the best. I am open to having a new friend if you want to friend me :)