Looking for friends who have to lose 100 lbs or more



  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I am single with no kids but definitely having a difficult time losing weight. To get to a final weight, I have atleast 200lbs to lose. I'm even ashamed to say that.
    I have been overweight my entire life. I have tried and exhausted many diet options. I have almost checked into surgery but you have to lose so much before surgery..... I have always had a job where I have been running around or on my feet the majority of the day but I now have a desk job and it is more difficult now.
    I also am stressed because i live with and take care of my 88yo grandmother.
    Please feel free to friend request me. Having a hard time figuring it out.
    I have looked into the surgery but because of my health issues its not suggested right now. I am so ashamed of my size. I can't look at my reflection if it's neck down. I am always under a ton of stress. Between my health issues and having 3 special needs kids when do I have time for me? I'm doing the best I can that's all I can ask of myself. If you need a friend add me
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    mistacious wrote: »
    I have a lot of weight to lose. One of my first goals is to get under 300. I'm currently 334. I need some accountability and help. Would love a fb friend and or text buddy during those times my brain decides to mess up and sabotage me. Please message me if any of you are interested. My ultimate goal is 150..

    Add me as a friend and we can hold each other accountable for of actions.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    xxxglaxxx wrote: »
    hi ladies :)

    we can all do this! i hope that we can support each other through our journey.

    feel free to add me :)
    Yes! We all can do it. If we mess up tomorrow is a new day. Don't get hung up on mistakes.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm 37 years old and face the daunting task of losing 160lbs to meet my goal of 165. I am married (no children unless you count my 5 year old cat) and live in the middle of Podunk, BFE, Indiana about 15-20 miles away from any sort of civilization in any direction.

    I couldn't tell you how many times this makes for me attempting to lose weight during my life, even more so with MyFitnessPal. I started with it under a different name in February 2011 and up until sometime in mid 2012, I lost 93lbs on my own. Simultaneously my husband and I got divorced about 6 months prior to that, my mother was becoming sicker by the day, I was a full-time employee and a full-time student helping my sister raise her two kids. I was so busy worrying about everyone else I quit taking care of me.

    Thankfully, I never gained *all* of my shedded pounds back, but it came close... too damn close. I quit working in September 2015, filed for disability, and have been seeing doctors and specialists regularly since May of this year trying to regulate/fix/help my pain issues. As of Monday, I am now a weight loss surgery patient and have 5 months of supervised visits left to prepare my body for surgery. A part of me is excited and curious as to what I will look/feel like a year from now. The *majority* is worried, scared, angry, and just flat out miserable. I want my mommy. (She died back in 2014, 8 weeks before I graduated college.) Mom had weight loss surgery the year before I was born and again sometime when I was 5 or 6. She's been through this. She knows. I wish to hell heaven had a phone so I could call her up and ask her advice.

    So I am rambling. It's 2:15am and even though I got injections in my spine 17 hours ago, my body is all like, "Hahaha.. you thought you were going to get some sleep and you thought WRRRRRRRONG!!" All I can figure is I can't sit back and be a 'drug induced lump on the couch' (read: inside joke with my oldest sister referring to a comment another of our sisters said to her) lurking in the MFP community anymore. If I'm going to make a change so life-altering as this one, I need to get up and do something about it. I need to become active in more ways than one. Feel free to add me and don't be surprised if you get added yourself.

    I have issues with moving because of constant pain. On a scale of 1-10 I wake up at a 7 and by bed time I'm crying in pain. I am given pain medication but hate taking it. I wanted to do the surgery but with my health they don't feel it is a option right now. I was end of May 278 as of this morning in 248. Monday is my official weigh in day. I understand so much of your posting. I just lost my dad to cancer the beginning of the year. Now my mommy is battling cancer again and its not looking good. Send me a friends request.