100 Days without alcohol



  • pghsportzgirl007
    Hey how do I join your challenge?
  • FlabtoFab209
    FlabtoFab209 Posts: 24 Member
    Just jump right in! Check in with your number of days, and if you feel comfortable, share about successes or struggles.
  • pghsportzgirl007
    Ok awesome!! I am in! Used to have a Saturday cheat day when I had a few glasses of wine but now it seems to have gotten to the point where I have a glass almost everyday. The stresses of work don't help but I think the daily wine is hindering my weight loss. My goal is the 10 lb I gained back so I hope restricting my alcohol to 1 day a week helps. I am in this challenge now with you guys so I can get myself back to the 1 day a week Saturday cheat!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited September 2016
    I will do 100 days, just not consecutively...

    I figure I'm doing pretty good just not drinking Mon - Thurs...
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    Good job....keep it going!
  • pghsportzgirl007
    Ok then I will do the same cwolf....if I am struggling on a certain day I am going to post help me!!! And maybe someone can say "don't do it"!!!
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    I don't drink - at all....so I am in here to support you!!! Are you being a nice person though? lol
  • pghsportzgirl007
    Nice person?
  • pghsportzgirl007
    Meaning if I don't drink do I get crabby? Lol
  • sohosocialclub
    sohosocialclub Posts: 299 Member
    Something I definately need to do
  • jadorade91
    jadorade91 Posts: 119 Member
    I'd like to commit to this, but I've tried to do it so many times that it ends up in me binging due to missing it lol. I think the longest I've gone is about 30 days, but my mental health doesn't react well to feeling like I'm deprived of something. I have to learn moderation instead. I admire your goal though and hope to reach this point someday soon! This is awesome. You're going to feel AMAZING!
  • AjRogers2
    AjRogers2 Posts: 19 Member
    Currently day 68 with no alcohol. I went 6 months last year to win a bet and after going back, I feel way better not drinking than drinking. If you can get through the first week, it is all downhill from there I find.
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    Meaning if I don't drink do I get crabby? Lol

  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I had to give up alcohol for other reasons, but not drinking is definately great for my diet. You can do this.
  • dubmarguerite
    dubmarguerite Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm on day 53 and I am here to tell you I have NEVER felt better. This is tremendous news for me because I have struggled with anxiety and depression for 20 years. I had no idea how 2-3 glasses of wine every night was affecting me—not just the following morning, but consistently. I want to let all of you know it was incredibly difficult for me to make this commitment, though after about 3 weeks, the urge to drink (which descended daily around 5:30pm thanks to 20 years of that habit) has almost completely subsided.

    The reason I was able to do this—because I have tried 4 or 5 times before—was because of committed support from two other people. We are all doing this together and knowing that has kept us committed. I've never done anything like this before and never thought it was possible.

    I am writing this to tell anyone who reads this—IT IS POSSIBLE. And you will not believe how much better you feel. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I've started to build a community around this on Instagram @project.prehab. We can do this. Each one of us can absolutely do this. And with support from each other, we will.
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm on day 53 and I am here to tell you I have NEVER felt better. This is tremendous news for me because I have struggled with anxiety and depression for 20 years. I had no idea how 2-3 glasses of wine every night was affecting me—not just the following morning, but consistently. I want to let all of you know it was incredibly difficult for me to make this commitment, though after about 3 weeks, the urge to drink (which descended daily around 5:30pm thanks to 20 years of that habit) has almost completely subsided.

    The reason I was able to do this—because I have tried 4 or 5 times before—was because of committed support from two other people. We are all doing this together and knowing that has kept us committed. I've never done anything like this before and never thought it was possible.

    I am writing this to tell anyone who reads this—IT IS POSSIBLE. And you will not believe how much better you feel. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I've started to build a community around this on Instagram @project.prehab. We can do this. Each one of us can absolutely do this. And with support from each other, we will.

    Sending you a big applause. My heart melted with this message. I have brother that drinks a little too much...lost a family member in April due to drinking and going to a funeral tomorrow b/c of drinking. Great testimony....
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Ive had some success in cutting back my alcohol. Today isn't a great example except that I'd still be drinking instead of drinking water right now normally. I'm at an away football weekend and there is a lot of partying. But i switched to water and will go to bed sober. The less I drink the more I can see abstaining all together. I pray God helps me do that.
  • pghsportzgirl007
    Good job d_square. Switching to water is hard especially when there is alcohol around to tempt you. I do not have a drinking problem but my grandfather, mother and sister did which ultimately lead to deeper darker habits for my mom and sister. God rest their souls. My husband thinks it's hereditary and gets scared because the drinking problem could happen to me. I usually drink a few glasses of wine because of stress and the need to relax but I am going to give that up 6 days a week and cheat on Saturdays. This challenge group of people are all awesome!!
  • FlabtoFab209
    FlabtoFab209 Posts: 24 Member
    I just love all the comments! It's so funny how prevalent alcohol is in daily life. Today is Day 10, Friday night was difficult, and tonight we are going out with friends at a restaurant thats name ends in "and cocktails". I agree about feeling so much better, I didn't realize how even small amounts made me feel dull the next day. Make it a great Saturday night, I'll check in sober tomorrow!
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    Nice work. I'm still not committed but after last night I might reconsider. I'm like the jaywalker in the Big Book.