Looking to lose 90lbs, could use some friends for motivation and accountability.

I've been on MFP for 5+ years mostly for food logging, but I think the time has come to ask for some outside motivation and to make some friends on here. I don't have much support/motivation from friends and family unfortunately, so I figured this was worth a shot.

I'm 36 and have been obese my whole life. I'm 6'2" and my "default" weight seems to be around 325 if I eat what I want, but has been as high as 350+ in my early 20's. 3 years ago I got as low as 285 over the course of a year, but fell hard off the wagon and jumped up to 330. My health is relatively good as far as blood work goes. I have low cholesterol and triglycerides, low blood glucose and low blood pressure (on meds for that). I'm not getting any younger though and I feel like I'm on borrowed time with the good health considering my weight. Now is the time to act!

Right now I'm at 311 and on the down-slope thanks to eating clean. I just joined a gym this past Monday and have gone everyday so far. My goal is to go everyday for a month to help make it a routine.

My ultimate goal is 225, but I need to be 250 by November of 2017. After 12 years of marriage I promised my wife that I'd finally take her on a honeymoon, but she REALLY wants to go zip-lining and it has a weight limit.

So that's my story, feel free to send me a friend request and keep me on track and I'll do the same. Thanks!
