To exercise or not to exercise??

I have started the c25k this past week. I have not ran in about 10 years like this. Needless to legs HURT!! The question I have is while my muscles are still sore do I still exercise?? I ask this because I have been told to not do anything and let the muscles heal, and I have been told that it helps your muscles to build better if they are sore and you continue the routine you are on. I just need some guidance for this.
Thanks you for your help in advance!!


  • jeagirl
    jeagirl Posts: 17
    Work your way up to running. There are plenty of resources out there that will help. Take it slow so there are less injuries.

    take care,

  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    I took about 8 months to work up to a 5k. When I was sore I just ran half the amount that day, and did a lot of stretching, and recovered better than if I did no exercise I think.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    C25k training is walking/running intervals 3 days a week, and starts off with mostly walking (or you can adjust it for your individual needs, I did) Most beginning runners are ok with running 3 times a week. If it's too much right now, start off with just walking and increase your speed gradually :)

    When you first start running, you should be ok with taking a short easy walk the next day--it will ease the soreness in your muscles. Again, just be careful not to overdo it.

    Feel free to add me--I am a new runner as well and like talking to other people about running!
  • The best thing to do when starting to run is to take it very slow and build up your mileage slowly. I would recommend running 3-5 days a week. This will allow you adequate rest days for your muscles to heal. When picking your rest days be sure to listen to your body. It is okay to run when your muscles are sore, just make sure its not more than sore. Also to avoid injury make sure you warm up and cool down adequately. I usually shoot for 5 minutes for a warm up and 5 minutes for a cool down plus 5-10 minutes of stretching afterwards!

    I hope this helps.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    When I'm sore I still do a lot of stretching and light exercise. I find not using the muscles makes the soreness last longer and worse.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Do you cool down with stretching after your run.
    A few minutes of relaxing stretching after a hard workout will really help cut down on post workout soreness.
    If you have ever done yoga, try a few yoga stretches.
    This works for me, hope it helps.
    Good luck.
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    sore is ok, if you take time off every time you get sore it wont be any better, work through it,
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I am in week 2 of C25K...I take at least a day off between but I do other workouts in between such as cycling, swimming, and I also do Body Pump, all of which I started prior to starting C25K, so I have not been too sore with C25K. Good luck with C25K!
  • kimberlymax
    kimberlymax Posts: 5 Member
    I generally try to do something light when I am sore. I have also found that some quality time with the foam roller helps my quads. My trainer will actually have me do lunges and squat jumps if my legs are sore to get them moving. I tend to not stay still if I am sore because that just makes it worse. I like to get moving in the hopes that the increased blood flow in those muscles will help make the soreness shorter!
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Keep at it, but go light until the sore turns to ache turns to tight. :)

    Great job!