Need MFP friends

Hello I'm new to MFP. I'm looking to have friends that regularly post, exercise and just share motivation. Please feel free to friend me so we can encourage each other!!!


  • Tyler_978
    Tyler_978 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm new here too! Add me
  • marydb1123
    marydb1123 Posts: 2 Member
    That's me too plxz add
    I'm Mary nice to meet everyone
  • edup1975
    edup1975 Posts: 486 Member
    Hi from Louisiana. Add me if you like
  • tibbyjoanze
    tibbyjoanze Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me too!! On my 3rd week... Tough to do alone!
  • kingd7470
    kingd7470 Posts: 3 Member
    New to this app as well but been on my journey since January and have lost 70 pounds as well as no more diabetes. I'm very motivated at the moment and plan to be for the rest of my days. Having Diabetes with a 12.1 A1C level and the doctors telling me I was a good candidate for gastric bypass surgery was my new beginning to a healthy happy life. I have been so motivated and encouraged that I am about to get certified as a personal trainer and soon a Nutrition Specialists. Feel free to add me as I like helping and learning from others.