Should I change my goal weight if....

I have a question here. So I went online to see what a healthy weight would be for my height. So, in my head I'm thinking 155 lbs to about 162 lbs would be a good weight for someone my height (5'8). Unfortunately the internet proved my wrong and told me for my height, my target weight should be 146 lbs. 167 lbs would be to high. If I get to my goal weight (165 lbs) and I feel comfortable, should I go ahead for the 146 or just stay where I am.


  • nytenurse03
    nytenurse03 Posts: 29 Member
    As long as you are healthy if you feel comfortable then you should do what you feel is right. The main goal is to be healthy.
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    I think that you should get to where YOU feel comfortable. The internet is full of suggestions but it cannot say for certain how you and your body will feel once you reach what you consider your goal weight. Good luck.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    See how you feel at 165. I was 165 for most of my adult life (I'm 5'8.75") and mostly happy with it. Last time I lost weight I decided to keep on going to 145 and I was a little more happy with that. But I definitely think 165 is still a "healthy" weight for and would be for you. The picture of me in the pink shirt in my profile is me at 160.
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I have set my goal at the high end of the healthy range for my height. I'm 5'1". I will re-evaluate when I get closer to my goal. I'm 42 with a large frame. The high end of the range would put me at about the weight I was in high school.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I suppose it depends on what you're aiming for personally. Are you looking for a specific number on the scale,
    or a healthy body?

    I am aiming for a healthy BMI and body fat % and a blood work results that will make my Dr. tell me I can
    get off the high cholesterol meds, and that I am no longer borderline diabetic.

    What the scales say when I get to that point, I dunno yet. But I'm sure it will be a good number I can live with ( literally)
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I think your goal weight should be wherever YOU want to be. If you feel comfortable at 165, I would stay there. I'm only an inch taller then you, and right around 167 was where I stayed for years without doing anything, so I think my body likes that weight. And I looked great at that weight, slim, no rolls or anything, although I never wore a bikini. I was 138 back in 2004 and that was too skinny. My goal weight now is 150 because I want to be bikini skinny.

    Every body is different, so if you like how you look and feel at 165, I would stay there.
  • michelledehority
    Ive found a lot of guidelines to be different. Weight watchers site says 132 to 164 for that height.
  • donnainstgeorge
    I think it depends on where your weight is. If it's around your middle, it's not as healthy as if you have it some other place like your rear, or your thighs. Maybe you can afford a little more weight if it's not in an unhealthy place.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    The internet doesn't account for bone density/mass, or for muscle. So, go for what you think looks and feels good to you. I'm 5'7" and the internet says I should weigh 125-130, but when I had my body fat composition tested, my LEAN body mass (if I had 0% body fat) was 145. So in order to have a healthy 22% body fat I actually need to weigh about 177-180. If there is a university in your area, call and ask if their atheltic department has a BOD Pod testing system...that's the MOST accurate composition test.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Dr. Mehmet Oz says you drastically reduce your risk for all kinds of diseases if you can achieve a waist measurement of 27.5" or less (for women). I can't remember the number for men, but I think it is either 30 or 31".

    So, try not to worry so much about the number on the scale as much as your other numbers - blood pressure, cholesterol (HDL's and LDL's) and your waist size.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Leave it & re-evaluate when you get there. I'm 5'4.5" and my goal weight is 145-150. It sounds like a lot but that is thin for my frame. I have a large frame and an athletic build, I know if I get smaller than that it won't be something that I can realistically maintain long term. At about 155 I'll start to see how I feel and look and begin to reassess my goal weight.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm 5'4" and all the "charts" say my ideal weight is about 118lbs. I'm currently 143-145lbs. I can't imagine losing another 20-30lbs. I would look too thin and sickly.

    Don't rely too much on charts and such. You'll know when you get to a comfortable, healthy, easy to maintain weight.

    I dont' worry about anything but how I feel, how I look, etc. :)
  • Kianaaa_07
    Kianaaa_07 Posts: 17
    Thanks for all the answers! I really appreciate it! I'm going to wait and see how I look and feel at 165 and then see if I want to keep going. My main focus is my weight but I'm also looking at my blood pressure too. Thanks again :)
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    You gotta take a lot of different things into factor such as bodyfat percentage. Weight is just a number i'm suppose to weigh 179 max i'm tipping the scale at 220! My BMI is considered obese lol. The truth is everybody will look different at the same weight and same height. Go with what makes you feel good and healthy.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    you have to consider A LOT of things when you look at your goal weight or what your ideal weight should be.

    I'm an inch shorter than you, and I come from a family of literally STICK people. lol. My goal is about 127.

    You probably have a bigger frame which i honestly wish i had, so I would say 155 would probably be an awesome goal for you. 146 or whatever may be too low, but i don't know for sure!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm the same height (5'8) and have reached my original goal weight (163). When I did some research the weight range for this height was listed as between 122 and 163...but I would be skeletal/emaciated at 122 or even in the 140s (I was 142 in high school and had zero curves, and minimal muscle)...I'm currently shooting for 155 and just lowering my bodyfat percentage at the moment, but I think it's very individualized and will depend on your frame and how you carry your weight.
  • riccimua
    riccimua Posts: 30 Member
    Your body will tell you where it's comfortable!! Don't do something your not comfortable with! I say go with your original goal. If at that point YOU feel you want to lose weight than do it. Remember muscle wieghs more than weight. So if you can weigh 200# you can look 180# remember it's only a number so go with being comfortable and confident NOT what someone says you SHOULD be!! Good luck!! I know you'll do great :)