Reality Check

Welp, I stepped on a scale today. I was not happy. I already wrote a long entry, but due to internet issues I couldn't get it back. Anyways. I went shopping with my fience today and I was devestated. Not that I had the most perfect body before. I told myself I would never be one of "those" women. Got out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. My "big" clothes are now my normal clothes in some cases, too tight. I just can't belive it. I never thought this would happen. Well, I don't eat how I should, I don't excercise like I should. I just got engaged and the first thing that came to my mind was "Oh my god, I can't get married like this" I don't want to look at my wedding pictures and be depressed that I was a fat bride. I'm not just trying to loose weight because I'm getting married. It's the little things I've noticed. Running around with my dog, running up a flight of stairs, I get out of breath. I never used to. Then I decided to weigh myself and I went straight to google and started searching ways to loose weight and different programs.Then when I found this one I was so excited. It's exactly like weight watchers, but for free! How perfect. Then I logged in what I ate today. I just stared at the screen. No wonder I've gained this weight. Also, I got knee surgery when I was in highschool because of a 4-wheeling crash. It hurts more than ever. I know it's because of me gaining weight. Well, I have a lot of weight to loose to get to my goal weight. 160 pounds to go. Crossin' my fingers and working hard. I just got to stay motivated. Any pointers anyone can give, please pass them on. Even if it's just words of motivation, I'm going to need it. Anyone who reads this, good luck on you're loosing/maintaining your weight. We can do this!


  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 199
    Your story is so similar to many people here, but I'm glad you found this site! It's a great way to keep motivated and the people on here are fantastic! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. It sounds like you know what you want and have the goal of a wedding to keep you going! I hope you find this website helpful and if you ever need an extra kick, just remember that we're all doing this together. Just reading the success stories make you want to lose weight. Good luck!
  • MarchelleLynne
    MarchelleLynne Posts: 229 Member
    welcome to the wonderful world of MFP!! I absolutly love this site and have the app on my phone. I now have tools that really help and work!!!
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    you can do this, we are all here for the same reason, and everyone is glad to help, good luck
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Welcome!! you are going to absolutely love this site and all the support that gets provided for you!
    You can do this!!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Welcome to MFP you came to the right place to find motivation best of luck!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    GIrl I totally understand. I got out of high school and just started gaining and gaining without realizing it. One day I went shopping and had to buy a size 12, and when I had been around a 5/6 my entire life it was VERY shocking. I remember bawling in the dressing room and realizing that I was miserable. I weighed around 175 and I am 5'3, that was a LOT to have on my frame. I started working out everyday, cut out soda/fast food, and ate VERY healthy. In the first weeks alone I lost 12 pounds! Those 12 just pushed me to work harder, knowing that if I could lose that I could lose the rest! After a few years I am down to 135 and now just working on staying in shape and not letting my bad habits get out of hand (drinking, junk food). I don't drink soda anymore and even the taste now is disgusting to me! It burns my throat!

    Anyways, the point of my story is that it is POSSIBLE to get back to what you want to be! I never thought I'd like my body again, and now I do. It really isn't as hard as you think, especially with a site like this. I have the app on my phone and it counts the calories so I put in EVERYTHING i eat. Also, I work out 6 times a week. Once I work out, I know that I don't want to blow the 500+ calories that I just burned on chips and ice cream, so I eat salad and grilled chicken instead. It is totally do able, and you will be so much happier once you start feeling better about yourself. I thought that I had NO will power but I was wrong!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. It takes hard work and dedication but just making the decision to be healthy is a HUGE step in the right direction!
  • timeforachange2011
    welcome to MFP! Add me if you wish! :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    This site is AMAZING. It got me excited about working out. It got me excited about preparing healthy meals. It got me excited about MY health and MY life. There is so much info here I get lost for hours. I learned so much here! There are many amazing people who have changed their lives and want to help inspire you. There are outstanding folks who are in the process of making themselves fitter and want to help you do it! I hear there is a smartphone app for this, too. But I am not that advanced ;) I use this website and it has worked very well for me. I started in late December '10 and since then lost just under 25lbs and around 28 inches overall. I wore a size 12 pants (tight!) and now I'm in a size 6. I can't believe it. In photos you can see my arms literally shrink, clothes that used to be tight falling off of me. I just can't imagine this is me. And I'm only halfway done! This site has been my saviour and I hope it can really help you, too! Just stick with it, log your food every day (even if you eat a whole bunch, log it in!!!) and keep coming back!
  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I love it here; counting my calories has helped me consistantly lose weight every single week. Add me if you want, hun. :smile:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    You can do this! MFP is the most supportive place I have found. Better than WW! I started off needing to lose 182 and have lost almost 40lbs. For a lark I did a typical food day in my diary on Jan 1, 2011 before I started on healthier me. OMG is all I can say. But now I have made major changes! I'm going to add you a friend and if you want support and motivation I'm here for you!
  • ChristineT55
    Hi There!
    So glad to have found this site in the past few days myself! I had two brain surgeries and my weight shot up to 224. I am down to 175 now. I actually had found this site the other day when my weight had shot up from my recently achieved weight of 175 to 182. I was in a full on PANIC! I thought...what have I done wrong??? I have been working out and watching my calories...and I jumped off the scale and typed in to Google..."eating 1200 calories a day working out and gained 7 lbs in 4 days" Up popped MFP and THE ANSWERS I so desperately needed! I wasn't eating my exercise calories! When I first read it I had to re-read it again...again...and AGAIN! WHAT??? I GET TO EAT THOSE CALORIES??? Wow...this site is cool!
    I immediately called out to our 15yr old daughter Taylor who has recently began going to the gym and counting calories WITH ME! At 5'7" and 248lbs she has a bit of weight to lose as well! So we are working on this whole thing together!!!
    We recently began Zumba at the gym and who knew we could eat those calories! I was starving myself!!! So here we are a few days into being a member of MFP and after tons of water and lots of reading...I am back down to 175 and am so excited to have a group of other people traveling down the same road with my daughter and myself!!!!
    So happy to be here and can't wait to get on the road to a happy and healthier lifestyle and ME!
  • Ajontheguitar
    Good luck to you! It's been great for me so far too. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • wekickkitt
    Wow, I didn't expect to get this many responses. Thank you everyone! I will deffinitly need all the support! Support goes both ways, so feel free to add me. I'm really going to try hard and stick to this, for some reason I always fail. My diet/routine only ends up lasting a month at most. I always end up giving up. But, not this time. I'm going to stick to it. I even put a reminder on my fridge to make sure I log everything in.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    wtg on making the decision to join! welcome to MFP!