What do you think of this article?

skyls Posts: 69 Member
My friend posted this on facebook. Is this guy right or wrong that you can only lose weight by lifting heavy? You may have to read down in the comments part too.


I find it annoying that their way of weight loss is the only way. If people don't like what they are doing, they won't do it. For me I hate running, but love Zumba. I like Jillian Michaels and turbo jam, but there are plenty of other things I don't like.


  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    you can lose weight by watching what you eat and doing nothing, , dont worry about the crap you read, you can find a new diet or workout every day if you read whats posted on the net, do what works for you
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    True: lifting heavy weights yields AMAZING results

    also true: lifting heavy weights is definitely not the only thing that gets results.

    Do what works for you :)
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I think you're misinterpreting the article. I read it and don't think it's suggesting that women won't lose weight if they don't lift weights. It's saying that lifting weights can help women get the best results. There are a lot of supporters of this school of thought, and I think the article has a lot of good information about the benefits of lifting weights. I think take it as that, and don't assume that means the article is saying that other ways don't work.

    There are a lot ways that people can lose weight, and lifting weights is one of the effective ways women can do it.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    My friend posted this on facebook. Is this guy right or wrong that you can only lose weight by lifting heavy? You may have to read down in the comments part too.


    I find it annoying that their way of weight loss is the only way. If people don't like what they are doing, they won't do it. For me I hate running, but love Zumba. I like Jillian Michaels and turbo jam, but there are plenty of other things I don't like.

    I agree it drives me nuts when people tell me to do this work out or eat this and not that. I say do what works for you
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I am not even going to read it and tell you he is wrong.
    You can loose weight by just burning more then what you eat with 0 exercise!
    While strength training DOES help you loose the fat faster ( muscle burns more calories to maintain), it is NOT the only way.
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    If you read through the comments they do indeed say that. He says to not do any cardio in any form because it causes inflammation?

    I am not against lifting weights and in fact do circuit training 2 times a week. I am not into doing the cross fit style heavy lifting exercises. I have friends that do, and they do look great.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I don't lift heavy. I lift 8-15 lb. dumbbells, 30 lb. barbells, and use a 4-6 lb. medicine ball. My clients envy my arms. I do more reps with my heavy weights. I can do a lot of girl push ups and not so many boy pushups. In addition to wanting strong, lean arms, I also need them to pull me when I swim 1k ocean swims, hold me up for 40k bike rides, and propel me fduring 10-20k runs. Lifting heavy with fewer reps wouldn't recruit my long, red muscle fibers, the ones I need for endurance sports. Now, I may work up to lifting more weight, but my goal is to lift longer, not heavier.

    In short, lifting should be a means to reaching your goal. If your goal is to lift heavy, then knock yourself out. But you'll be building muscle whether you lift heavy for fewer reps or lighter for more reps. You'll just be using different muscle fibers to develop different disciplines.

    There's more than one way to skin a cat.
  • elmobabie84
    elmobabie84 Posts: 112
    i didnt read the article but i cant stand being told how to run my diet the way i see fit!! if i wanna walk for an hour bc i dont like running even 20 minutes then i'm gonna walk!! if i want to do a couple sit ups instead of push ups then leave me be about it! if i wanna eat healthy then dont rub the junk food in my face (mean old husband)!!! :grumble:
  • change_happens
    Sadly, there are individuals on MFP who try to force their opinions and weight loss 'rights-and-wrongs' on others. It frustrates me to no end when someone believes that there path is the only true path. It isn't! There are many roads that lead to weightloss. Thanks for posting this.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    If you read through the comments they do indeed say that. He says to not do any cardio in any form because it causes inflammation?

    I am not against lifting weights and in fact do circuit training 2 times a week. I am not into doing the cross fit style heavy lifting exercises. I have friends that do, and they do look great.

    It's a body composition thing more than a weight loss thing.

    But honestly, as someone who does lift heavy (similar to the style he's describing - not crossfit but a 5x5 program) it's simply one way out of many to yield results.

    There's no absolute right or wrong way. His articles can come off as a bit preachy, but then again, so can many articles written by fitness and health gurus.