i m da new one on mfp

sonpari24 Posts: 62 Member
i m mum of three n now want to get back in shape i knw its quite hard but still determined


  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    Welcome to mfp! The support from friends on here really makes a difference! Good luck with your journey! :)
  • suewongie
    suewongie Posts: 24
    Its not easy but we are all here with the same goals and the support on this site is fantastic. feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • change_happens
    i m mum of three n now want to get back in shape i knw its quite hard but still determined

    You can do it! I am mother to 6 and I made up every excuse in the book. But setting aside the excuses, it was really hard to get out of my personal rut and get back on track after being off of track for so many years.

    Yes, I walked every single day... for miles! But we would walk to a restaurant and eat fattening foods and then walk back home. Did i ever lose any weight doing that? Absolutely not.

    What motivated me to get started AGAIN was the fact that I had refused to buy any more clothing and everyone in the house begged me to go shopping because they were tired of seeing me wash and wear the same thing day after day. I was down to one pair of jeans and one shirt because I refused to purchase FAT clothing. I decided I wanted more clothing, but in a smaller size and so I worked my butt off.

    Outside of wanting smaller clothing, I became very bored after cleaning, babe taking nap and quiet apartment. I decided to start working out and I was shocked to grab my jeans from the closet and they actually slipped over my hips and the tug-o-war was over :) So, now.... I have put aside the excuses and creating a smaller me :)

    Glad you are here and I am sure you will find some awesome folks to friend!

  • sonpari24
    sonpari24 Posts: 62 Member
    oh thanku all for ur support:)