No carb/ high protein foods for vegetarians

Any suggestions?!
My macros are set at: 25% carbs, 40% fat, 35% protein. Since I don't eat meat, this is hard to accomplish most days. Also, I'm looking to lower my carbs percentage to 20% and up my fat to 45% in hopes of seeing better results. I'm eating about 1600-1700 cals a day with moderate activity. Lots of fat to lose lol


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    My understanding is that the only foods with zero carbohydrates are meats (even eggs have a little bit of carboydrate).

    Some high protein, lower carbohydrate plant foods are seitan, tofu, and hemp/soy/protein powders (check the labels because some have sugars that can increase the carbohydrate count).

    But fat loss is going to come from your overall deficit, not just decreasing carbohydrates. May I ask where you got your macro distribution? I'm vegan and I had plenty of success losing weight on a calorie deficit while consuming carbohydrates as about 50-60% of my diet.
  • tanyaltrl
    tanyaltrl Posts: 42 Member
    Its the meat and dairy industry that promotes low carb. Check out Dr. McDougall and Dr. Barnard if you care for your health and the animals
  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm in the same ship as far as protein. Being a vegetarian I find it hard to get my intake. The best I've come up with is beans, nuts, fish and eggs or milk (depending on what kind of vegetarian you are). I try to add one of these to every meal. The no carb is really freaking hard. I'm going with low carb instead. Carnation Instant light breakfast has 13 g of protein and only 12 g carbs. It's got high sugar though :neutral: Tastes good and is great if you are busy. Good luck!!
  • Jleigh225
    Jleigh225 Posts: 49 Member
    There are not any no carb foods for vegetarians. Lower carb can be done though! Tofu, seitan, hemp and pea protein poweder, cheese, eggs, nuts, chickpeas, lentils, all the beans, fruits, and vegetables are all high in fiber and protein. If you eat those foods for the most part and keep your grain intake low you should reach your goal. The fiber will keep your overall carb intake low as fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. Though weight loss is achieved by just eating a calorie controlled well rounded diet, you don't have to eat low carb to lose.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,051 Member
    edited September 2016
    I think if you're going to be vegetarian or vegan you'll need to relax the no carb rules. Vegetables are carby.

    Why are you trying to keep your carbs so low? I mean, usually people don't do both. If it's about weight loss, it's all about calories. Log your food accurately and stay at your calorie goal.
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    Whey protein powder supplement is the only thing i can think of unless you eat dairy and eggs, then something like Skyr is a good option and eggs.
  • poppigirl
    poppigirl Posts: 49 Member
    if you eat dairy /not vegan- greek yogurt has 17-20gr of protein. that ups the game a little. and you can get 0%, 2% or whole fat, so, that may help too... and there's always eggs (I eat 2 egg whites and one whole egg when I'm low on protein & fat)

    To get my protein, I also eat garbanzo beans, lentils and a protein shake (Orgain plant based protein shake)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I think if you're going to be vegetarian or vegan you'll need to relax the no carb rules. Vegetables are carby.

    Why are you trying to keep your carbs so low? I mean, usually people don't do both. If it's about weight loss, it's all about calories. Log your food accurately and stay at your calorie goal.

    I have to agree with this. I do vegetarian 3-4 days per week and I know a handful of full time vegetarians, and we aren't trying to low carb...not that it's impossible, but a vegetarian diet tends to be higher carbohydrate. Plenty of lentils and beans and whatnot...

    As lower carb sources go, eggs and egg whites, greek yogurt, tofu, seitan...
  • ashleystidhammfp
    ashleystidhammfp Posts: 19 Member
    tanyaltrl wrote: »
    Its the meat and dairy industry that promotes low carb. Check out Dr. McDougall and Dr. Barnard if you care for your health and the animals
    Yes I am eating a Dr. McDougall's vegan ramen right now.
  • ashleystidhammfp
    ashleystidhammfp Posts: 19 Member
    I was under the impression that cutting carbs will help with losing weight, I could be very wrong and that's ok. I don't want to completely cut out carbs and I'm aware that vegetarian and vegan diets typically are more carby since we cut out the meat and most dairy, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of low carb foods I didn't know of :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    tanyaltrl wrote: »
    Its the meat and dairy industry that promotes low carb. Check out Dr. McDougall and Dr. Barnard if you care for your health and the animals

    Citation for this claim: "meat and dairy industry that promotes low carb", please.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I was under the impression that cutting carbs will help with losing weight, I could be very wrong and that's ok. I don't want to completely cut out carbs and I'm aware that vegetarian and vegan diets typically are more carby since we cut out the meat and most dairy, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of low carb foods I didn't know of :)

    Unless you have medical issues there is no reason to cut carbs.

    Cutting carbs does result in water weight loss the first week though (glycogen stores). But that's not the same thing as fat loss.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I was under the impression that cutting carbs will help with losing weight, I could be very wrong and that's ok. I don't want to completely cut out carbs and I'm aware that vegetarian and vegan diets typically are more carby since we cut out the meat and most dairy, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of low carb foods I didn't know of :)

    Low carb is just one of many ways of introducing a calorie deficit (in most cases). There's nothing magical about it...carbohydrates are just one of the three macro-nutrients...there's nothing inherently bad about them and in fact, there are many highly nutritious sources of carbohydrates (focus on those).

    All you need to do to lose weight is eat a bit less...and probably move a bit more.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    edited September 2016
    OP - Have you tried just counting calories and seeing how well you do?

    Cutting out refined carbs and added refined sugars is what's important. Limiting carbs as a vegetarian can make it hard to get your fiber goal. Fiber is a very important goal to hit everyday.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Made my first batch of seitan and both I and meat-lover hubby are entranced with it. Basically, it's just vital wheat protein and water flavored with whatever you wish. According to the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, 100g of vital wheat gluten contains 14g carbohydrate but 75g of protein! That's over 5 times as much protein as carbs -- hard to beat in a vegetable-based product. Of course, the things added for flavor may affect the ratio for prepared seitan but it's still a great option.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Well gluten is a protein after all ;)
    Made my first batch of seitan and both I and meat-lover hubby are entranced with it. Basically, it's just vital wheat protein and water flavored with whatever you wish. According to the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, 100g of vital wheat gluten contains 14g carbohydrate but 75g of protein! That's over 5 times as much protein as carbs -- hard to beat in a vegetable-based product. Of course, the things added for flavor may affect the ratio for prepared seitan but it's still a great option.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Well gluten is a protein after all ;)

    The which is why I had it on hand for bread-making. One uses it to "strengthen weak flours."

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited September 2016
    I was under the impression that cutting carbs will help with losing weight, I could be very wrong and that's ok. I don't want to completely cut out carbs and I'm aware that vegetarian and vegan diets typically are more carby since we cut out the meat and most dairy, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of low carb foods I didn't know of :)

    Cutting carbohydrates will only result in weight loss if it means you're eating fewer calories overall. Some people find that reducing carbohydrates also reduces their appetite, which makes it easier for them to eat fewer calories overall. I personally don't find this to be true for me, but other people have reported it. But as a vegetarian, trying to get your carbohydrates below 20% is going to limit your access to a lot of great plant-based sources of fiber, protein, and other nutrients (things like vegetables, beans, and grains).