
jillberd Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
How many of you have kids? Here is my question how do you keep from eating your kids snacks? That is probablly my biggest problem right now. Just snacking all together is a problem, but I need to keep them around for my daughter.


  • How many of you have kids? Here is my question how do you keep from eating your kids snacks? That is probablly my biggest problem right now. Just snacking all together is a problem, but I need to keep them around for my daughter.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I think it was Razboo that said it “Just Don’t”. Easier said then done I know. How WELL I know. But, try it. Say it out loud if need be. Then don’t !
    Another thing, think about this little saying “Don’t exchange what you want the most for what you want at the moment.” Also, ask yourself about the snack or food item “Do I love that and want that enough to wear it”. If you don’t want to wear it, don’t eat it.
    You can do this and you will lose the weight you want to lose. Good luck !
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I think it was Razboo that said it “Just Don’t”. Easier said then done I know. How WELL I know. But, try it. Say it out loud if need be. Then don’t !
    Another thing, think about this little saying “Don’t exchange what you want the most for what you want at the moment.” Also, ask yourself about the snack or food item “Do I love that and want that enough to wear it”. If you don’t want to wear it, don’t eat it.
    You can do this and you will lose the weight you want to lose. Good luck !
    I like that saying "If you don't want to wear it, don't eat it". I had never heard that one before. Thanks, I think I will you that one. When journaling, "If you didn't write it, don't bite it!" Memaw
  • my3kids
    my3kids Posts: 59 Member
    I dont keep snacks around that I would just have for my kids. If I dont eat it then why should they be eating it. I keep the 100 calorie packs on hand all the time for all of us. Fruit always on hand also. Yogurt too...those are what we call snacks in my house. Fruit snacks kids dont need them they are packed with sugar and make their teeth rotten so who needs them around ..
  • What kind of snacks are you giving the kids? With my son he isn't a picky eater, loves veggies. So I try to give him the same snacks that I can eat through out the day. That helps for me. Or focus your attention on something that needs to be done during snack time. I hope this helps, I am new to this...

  • I buy special snacks just for me. Like 100 cal. packs, fat free cookies, etc., then I make sure and only eat 1 serving! :tongue:
  • sparkychic
    sparkychic Posts: 9 Member
    I was struggling with the very same thing. My husband and I decided that everyone in our family is getting healthy. I am the only one over weight, but I don't want my girls to have to worry about their weight later in life. Before I would snack on thier horrible snacks. You know the ones you buy for their lunches. Now, we don't even have bad snacks. It isn't good for them either. When I bring home veggies, I wash and cut them up right away. I put them in a tupperware container. It is easy to pull out and munch on throughout the day. I buy low fat pudding cups for my chocolate fix and 100 calorie packs for lunches. We also like special K bars and rice cakes (the smaller ones have better taste). We have given up fast food since the first of the year witih the exception of subway or wendy's chili. I have 4 kids that are all in activities, so I have to plan out dinners so we aren't tempted to hit the drive thru. I started my journey on 2/12 and I am down 15 pounds as of today!!!!!
  • garimac
    garimac Posts: 174
    i posted a list of snacks today, its under food and nutrition
    its titled great snacks
    you might find some snack you like, plus they are great for your kids.
  • I find my kids want what I have so if I am snacking on carrots they want them too. I buy snacks that I can eat and if they don't want them then great, more for me :happy: They will eventually give in and eat healthy. I got a great new cook book by Jessica Seinfeld today too. It is how to get your kids to eat healthy without even knowing. (and for us too). I can't wait to make some of them. My sister already has and says it is great.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I ran a day care business for 5 years when my daughter was small and I was able to claim reimbursement for the "healthy" snacks I served. I made it a strict rule that parents could not bring food to the center. The reimbursement was enough to cover the cost and that way I didn't have to deal with their personal issues about food and snacks. Contrary to what my mother and others used to tell me, I did not believe that my children NEEDED to have candy at that age. So we had fruit, veggies, meat or cheese, whole grain crackers, etc. That was when I lost almost 40 pounds, so it appeared that eating my daughter's snacks actually benefited me....:happy: My daugher is now 14 and we still have snack time together when she gets home from school. :flowerforyou:
  • Keeping from eating their snacks is hard~ I have two boys. But think about it like this, this could be a very good opportunity for you to introduce them to a healthier lifestyle too. Throw away those cookies and high-in-sugar snacks and substitute them for yogurt covered raisins or something like that. They can still get their sugar fix and you wont feel so guilty about eating their snacks. Plus, though your kids might not need to lose weight, there is still nothing wrong with them being a little healthier. Let's face it, those snacks and foods targeted towards kids are usually not the healthiest.
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    all very well said. don't feed your kids the stuff you have deemed unhealthy for yourself. there is a healthy alternative to almost everything. snacks don't have to be sweets either. you might have to slide some of the good stuff in a little at a time, but you can do it. when my kids were little and I was dieting (of course) I wrote their names on their snacks. and let me tell you, they KNEW how many cookies were theirs and how many treats were in each baggie. laugh. Just don't put your name on any of them and don't try to sneak even one pretzel out of a portioned baggie. believe me they count!!:laugh: but it was a good way to teach them what was theirs, and when theirs was gone they couldn't have any others. it kept the big kids from snarffing all the little ones treats too.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    My kids eat the same snacks that I do. We buy nuts and fruits.
    You don't need to give them sugary snacks. Start teaching them good habits now. That way they will not want the junk foods.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    My son is a healthy eater too but doesn't have to watch his portions the way I do...he's pure energy and sooo active!!!

    My big thing is the stuff he doesn't eat....I used to just eat what he left on his plate, a piece of waffle, a few crackers and lo fat cheese....half of his pizza....that's what I had to make myself consciously realize....those are actual calories! and that's sort of like eating scraps LOL...even though not really lol...that's what I had to tell myself to stop doing it....

    it really used to add I either put it away or dump more mindless munching for me! lol
  • The snacks just seem gross to me. My stepdaughter loves sugary cereals and greasy pastries.

    I'm more of a trail mix or fruit kind of gal. I have a popcorn weakness, though.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I have a 3 year-old, so I mostly keep healthy snacks around that we both like, but that I don't love too much so I don't crave them. I figure the poor kid doesn't exactly have genetics working in his favor anyway so why get him started with the sugary or fatty treats! I keep go-gurt (yogurt in tubes), string cheese, raisins, apples, and 100-calorie microwave popcorn around all the time. He actually will choose grapes over candy if given a choice (this wasn't inherited from mom!). I might get him a treat once in a while when we go somewhere because I don't want the junk to be forbidden so he really wants it. Also I like to get treats when we are out so it doesn't sit in our house. I do keep Dum Dum lollipops up high in a cabinet for emergencies - they are such a small amount of candy. It's hard. I even catch myself munching on Cheerios off the baby's highchair when I'm not even hungry. If you don't have it around, they don't know they are missing it. Let Grandma give them a cookie.
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