Keto Diet

MFP community, this is my first write up on this community. Today i started my first day of keto diet. Wish me luck


  • AlexTriesKeto
    AlexTriesKeto Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck! I've been researching Keto and am considering it. Looking forward to hearing about your progress!
  • akilia112010
    akilia112010 Posts: 46 Member
    Let me know how it works for you! I've been researching that one myself.
  • ginaDDDD
    ginaDDDD Posts: 27 Member
    I started yesterday! Good luck!
  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    congrats! There is a Low Carb group here on MFP. Any keto questions/concerns/etc would probably find better responses (and less judgement) from there.
  • please567
    please567 Posts: 2 Member
    Back on MFP for almost 1 month. Also doing Keto. I'm looking at it as a lifestyle change. Lost 8.5 lbs so far but have come to a stop for the last 4 to 5 days. Let know how it goes for you. Goodluck.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    Been doing keto for 6/7 months now. Best thing I ever did. Commentors are correct there are very friendly low carb/keto people in the groups here. Feel free to add :)
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome. I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum here in MFP. It's where most of us ketophiles tend to hang out:
  • Shadowtucker
    Shadowtucker Posts: 2 Member
    Been on it for a week. Woke up today with a massive headache ..had high protein...drank chicken broth and headache gone.
    Good luck on your journey! So far so good for me...not hungry like when eating carbs.
  • himalcon
    himalcon Posts: 1 Member
    amish1010 wrote: »
    MFP community, this is my first write up on this community. Today i started my first day of keto diet. Wish me luck

    Good luck man!