Any other ladies out there over 50 fighting to stay strong, healthy and fit?

Hi MFP people! I'm 53, live with my husband and awesome big puppy Zeus, our 6 year old mastiff. Though my screen name is horsetrainer46, I left the horse industry 3 yrs ago and went full time to my other passion which is dog training and rehabilitating psychologically damaged dogs. I am back on MFP again after a rough 3 years, trying to get my mind and body back into a positive place of feeling and looking good. I have done it before and can do it again, and hopefully will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle permanently this time!


  • CarbonIS
    CarbonIS Posts: 76 Member
    Wow you look amazing! Keep it up!
  • FitGirl_Running
    FitGirl_Running Posts: 12 Member
    I just turned 58. At age 55 I lost roughly 45 pounds and was in the best shape of my life. I got out of shape again and gained all the weight back. I'm working to get strong again, but for the first time the weight is just not budging. I've been on MFP off and on for about 5 years.
  • 51time
    51time Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I am 55 married have grownup children daughter and twin boys. I became a grandmother I want to play with my grandchild on the floor like I did my children. Always exercise three times week and walked instead of taking stairs. However, I really never kept tract of my food and I am a emotional eater. My doctor suggest I loss 40 to 50 pounds. I have been tracking three weeks and lost 5 pounds. This helping me since I tracked even when I was on vacation for 11 days and ate what I wanted only gained1 pound. I need motivation to make this a life change on my eating habits.
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    Over 50 here, looking for guys on this thread but I'm ok with either guys or girls. My sister is 50+ horse trainer in Sacramento, keeps her in shape.
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone! Wow, I wasnt sure if anyone would reply to my post. Glad to meet all of you :-) Its definitely a struggle sometimes, especially once the big 5 0 hits. Its like 80% food habits, right? For me that is the hardest part...stress eating, medicating with sugar, and don't forget every social activity in the human world seems to revolve around food. If I eat right, I want to exercise because I have the energy and stamina. We are definitely all different as far as what specific program works best. My love is weight lifting. I do some kind of strength training 5 days a week, light yoga once or twice, and incorporate some form of cardio almost every day.That keeps me in my best balance mentally and physically. We can ALL do this!!! B)
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    CarbonIS wrote: »
    Wow you look amazing! Keep it up!

    Thank you!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You can do this :)
  • tag2013
    tag2013 Posts: 204 Member
    Hello Everyone - I'm a 51 year old woman and working on losing the weight once and for all. I've only started tracking my food and workouts for the last 3 weeks and that seems to be helping. This is so much harder than it was in my 40's, but I feel great doing it. I'm hoping for a lifestyle change that I can stick to forever.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Hi, I'm 51 and fighting to lose (again) all the weight I lost 2 years ago. This year has been a whirlwind of changes and I got away from my good habits, had some health issues and before I knew 20 lbs back on. So trying to get back on track to get those gone again. I know what to do, its just to put it in place and that's the hard part. Getting into the right mindset and not getting derailed so easily.
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    I am 55 and want to get rid of the extra weight. I have 30 lbs to lose and find it really hard. I still have some hot flashes so I guess my menopause is not yet completed but it got already better.
    Unfortunately, it often feels like I am just before menstruating and I have an enormous appetite for sugary and fatty foodstuffs. No wonder, I am not getting anywhere….

  • shaplebound
    shaplebound Posts: 36 Member
    Would love some new friends!!! I returned to MFP in April, after 2 years away from it and losing 95 lbs. Then... MFP WORKS for me, so I'm back, I've lost 46 lbs. So far. I have approximately 30 lbs. More, I'd like to lose... Let's support each other!!!!
  • Susanlove316
    Susanlove316 Posts: 28 Member
    I am 54 and working hard to lose another 30 pounds. I have lost 30 this year so far. I had a total hysterectomy for uterine cancer last summer which was a set back, then had pneumonia with asthma and bronchitis in Feb/March this year and felt like I had to start over again. I would love some new friends too if anyone would like to send me a request. I am an outreach minister to the elderly and an animal lover. :)
  • Susanlove316
    Susanlove316 Posts: 28 Member
    Too soon to edit but I wanted to say, I love working out with weights too and Kettlebells are my favorite for the cardio and strength "all in one" workout.
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    tag2013 wrote: »
    Hello Everyone - I'm a 51 year old woman and working on losing the weight once and for all. I've only started tracking my food and workouts for the last 3 weeks and that seems to be helping. This is so much harder than it was in my 40's, but I feel great doing it. I'm hoping for a lifestyle change that I can stick to forever.

    You're off to a great start! Take it one day st a time. We all stumble a little, just dont let it take you down
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm 51 and fighting to lose (again) all the weight I lost 2 years ago. This year has been a whirlwind of changes and I got away from my good habits, had some health issues and before I knew 20 lbs back on. So trying to get back on track to get those gone again. I know what to do, its just to put it in place and that's the hard part. Getting into the right mindset and not getting derailed so easily.

    Exactly the boat Im in! We got this!
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    hupsii wrote: »
    I am 55 and want to get rid of the extra weight. I have 30 lbs to lose and find it really hard. I still have some hot flashes so I guess my menopause is not yet completed but it got already better.
    Unfortunately, it often feels like I am just before menstruating and I have an enormous appetite for sugary and fatty foodstuffs. No wonder, I am not getting anywhere….

    Menopause is rough and takes sooooo long to be done! It was about 6 years for me, it finally seems to be over. Food tracking makes you accountable to yourself so its great that you are doing that. Everyone is different, but I also struggled with overwhelming cravings for fat and sugar. What has helped me was amping up protein, and focusing on taking in healthy fats like coconut oil, avacado, high quality EVOO and almond butter. Lots of fresh veggies and when I crave sweets I will load up on fruit. Even though it is still sugar and does still affect metabolism negatively in excess, it does allow you to get the refined sugar out of your system.
    ...also, it takes 3-4 days of eating really clean, to help the cravings go away. Good luck to all of us
  • Grammie1965
    Grammie1965 Posts: 2 Member
    I could sure use the help and support.