So, just how big are your calves?



  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Something created by the devil himself, I'm sure... Cankles happen when your calf just kinda blends into your foot. Thus, you don't have any ankles. They're more like...piano legs?!?
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    I am 5'3 and in the low 120's... I only measured the left one, oops? LOL. I am measuring at 11 1/2, but my bone structure seems to be fairly small...
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    I have quite large calves but its all muscle baby!

    I think they are the only part of my entire body that isnt covered in an inch of flab!

    still means I cant usually wear boots though :cry:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I am 5' 2 or 5' 3" , depends on who measures me, LOL............

    My ankles are 18 inchers................I have HUGE calves, bit of fat, but a whole lot of muscle there too..............

    I am hoping to get them down a few inches, I have always had "popeye" calves, when I was in the Army, my calves were bigger than my thighs, LOL
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I can't help but laugh at everyone complaining about thier "big" calves. Pffft, I win. My calves are 19" at their widest point and 10" at the ankle. There is no fat on my ankles, my legs are just built like tree trucks and always have been.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    5'3.5, 123 lbs and 15" calves. Also, 9" ankles.
    I can't help but laugh at everyone complaining about thier "big" calves. Pffft, I win. My calves are 19" at their widest point and 10" at the ankle. There is no fat on my ankles, my legs are just built like tree trucks and always have been.

    But see, that at least sounds like a nice proportion. Relatively slim, fat free ankles and large, muscular calves. My calves are big (though I've lost at least an inch) but the ankles are also big. And fatty. The overall appearance is just not very pleasing. But my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy, so maybe I need to focus on not focussing on it. :laugh:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    5'3.5, 123 lbs and 15" calves. Also, 9" ankles.
    I can't help but laugh at everyone complaining about thier "big" calves. Pffft, I win. My calves are 19" at their widest point and 10" at the ankle. There is no fat on my ankles, my legs are just built like tree trucks and always have been.

    But see, that at least sounds like a nice proportion. Relatively slim, fat free ankles and large, muscular calves. My calves are big (though I've lost at least an inch) but the ankles are also big. And fatty. The overall appearance is just not very pleasing. But my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy, so maybe I need to focus on not focussing on it. :laugh:

    We are all our own worst critics. If someone that loves and wants you doesn't see a problem trust them.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    5'3.5, 123 lbs and 15" calves. Also, 9" ankles.
    I can't help but laugh at everyone complaining about thier "big" calves. Pffft, I win. My calves are 19" at their widest point and 10" at the ankle. There is no fat on my ankles, my legs are just built like tree trucks and always have been.

    But see, that at least sounds like a nice proportion. Relatively slim, fat free ankles and large, muscular calves. My calves are big (though I've lost at least an inch) but the ankles are also big. And fatty. The overall appearance is just not very pleasing. But my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy, so maybe I need to focus on not focussing on it. :laugh:

    We are all our own worst critics. If someone that loves and wants you doesn't see a problem trust them.

    I love that sentiment...if only I could live by it! Ha. Just last night, I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and I had my leg crossed on the other and was like "Ugh, my legs." He was like "What about them?" I was like "They're so fat!! I have some muscle but all this is still here!" He was like "Babe" in that "You're ridiculous" tone all boyfriends have, "your legs are fine." I try to believe him but when I can push on the fat and it swings...that's not good.
  • dmvbnoslo
    dmvbnoslo Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 5'41/2", my calves are not quite 13"... I wish they were 16!!!!!! Anyway, they get me where I want to go :-)
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    I'm sorry, did I really read that right? You want 16'' calves?!?
  • Hi I am new on here! But I know my calves might sounds big to you ladies in here! I am 4'11 less then 5 ft and I think my calves measured 39 cm I think I havn't measured them that well! But I know I can wear a 40 cm boot very well with the jeans and without! So I think or I don't know my calves might be big for my size lol!
  • Ok I remeasured my calves they are 40cm and my boots are 41 cms! Yea big calves for such a short person!
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