Any horse riders?

edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
My main exercise comes from riding horses! I would love to get some friends on here that share my equine obsession!


  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I ride hunter/jumpers and worked in the racing industry for quite awhile. It's so nice finding others who share the same passion.
  • etaven
    etaven Posts: 25
    Hi! I'll friend you-- I'm another rider :) I ride English, mainly jumpers though I haven't been showing much lately. Trying to focus on training my 4 year old beast! :)
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    Oh, yea - other horse riders!! I don't use riding for my exercise and don't ride nearly as much as I would like anymore but still get an occassional ride in. In fact I am leaving this weekend for a weeklong trail riding/camping vacation in the Ozarks.

    I ride mostly Arabians (have two blacks) but I also have an OLD Quarter horse for the kids to learn on. I used to do competitive trail riding....ah, the 'good ole' days'!
  • kels67
    kels67 Posts: 41
    Also ride hunter/jumpers! Every once in a while i will do a little western pleasure!
  • etaven
    etaven Posts: 25
    In fact I am leaving this weekend for a weeklong trail riding/camping vacation in the Ozarks.

    Have fun! That sounds like a blast. I did a weeklong trek through Spain once, and that was an absolutely amazing experience. Rode an Andalusian... got me hooked on the breed! :) My two are Belgian/Quarter Horse crosses, though. Someday I'll get an Andalusian ;)
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm an eventer! Some people don't realize how much of a workout riding really is. There are times when I'll be dripping with sweat after a dressage ride or a cross country schooling :)
    Feel free to add me! I love fellow horsey-people!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I ride! FABULOUS exercise... doesn't even seem like work... until you wake up the next day and muscles that you forgot you had are are achy and tired. I love it though, wouldn't change it for the world. And training a greenie only burns more!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I would love to try eventing some day!!! It's so intense! And there are some really good people in the eventing world. Much more laid back!
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Eventer here as well, competed and schooled up through Prelim (3'9") when I was around 18. Grew up riding TB's, they are my love. Currently just started really riding again (after slowing way down for about 8 months and for the years prior to that not really do a ton more lol). Riding a friends Appendix that just came back to work after an injury that sidelined him for about 6 months and he has been slowly coming back to work for the last 6 months. He's sounder and more even than ever and am looking forward to taking him out Beginner Novice (2'7") this fall and possibly taking a crack at Novice next spring if all goes well.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Riding a friends Appendix ....


    Another rider here! :smile: Not up to the standard of those who've posted so far, but ride every week. We've just started jumping properly and spent an entertaining lesson last week trying to do counter-canter on purpose (so much easier when you're not trying!!).
  • Anngetsfit
    Anngetsfit Posts: 17 Member
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Appendix QH I am assuming. aka QH x TB
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Appendix QH I am assuming. aka QH x TB

    yup, most of the time an appendix is a TB mixed with a QH. Although there are some strange people out there who claim that an appendix is a TB mixed with.. well.. anything.
    Like I said, strange.

    But this is how I know it :)
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Appendix QH I am assuming. aka QH x TB

    yup, most of the time an appendix is a TB mixed with a QH. Although there are some strange people out there who claim that an appendix is a TB mixed with.. well.. anything.
    Like I said, strange.

    But this is how I know it :)

    Yes, sorry QH x TB lol. He's more the QH body with a TB brain. She just bought her second horse, also an Appendix, who is the TB body with QH brain version. Personally I like them a bit quirky so TB brain all the way for me :o)
  • etaven
    etaven Posts: 25
    Horseryder77 & ShellyLee-- I'd love to try eventing someday! It looks like a lot of fun!

    Jersey3025- I hear you on training a greenie! My boy tests me all the time and makes sure my legs in particular get their workout, lol!

    Lanfear-- I also had a recent lesson focusing on counter-canter. As I told my trainer, "Why is doing the wrong thing so hard when you're TRYING to do it?!" Hah :)

    I'd love to see photos of everyone's horsey-friends... here's one of my two. They never met before I got the filly, but they seem to know they're full siblings... half the time hanging out, the other half bickering, lol ;)

  • bummbles
    bummbles Posts: 1 Member
    It's a daily passion!!! I work 8-9 hours behind a desk every day, so getting on my horse for a two hour ride is an absolute stress reliever! With two TWH and two qtr horses they are keeping me busy, but loving every minute I can ride.
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Oh my goossshhhh your horses are adorable!!!!! Palominos are so gorgeous, especially in the summer.

    And eventing IS fun! I think every horse person should be able to experience the thrill of cross country at least once :). And Dressage is super important for all of the other aspects of eventing (which, unfortunately, a lot of people tend to forget).
    Except my eventing has unfortunately been very limited. I took my pony (I say pony cause he's 14.3 and not "technically" a horse) up to training level schooling, and we never got the chance to show because of financial reasons. Now he's so stiff (I've had him for ELEVEN years this August.. so he's probably somewhere in his twenties) that I don't want to push him without the vets okay.
    And being in college, money is still an issue when it comes to showing. I actually work at my barn to pay off lessons/board so my pony is basically free (it's really nice). I'd love to show though some day.. in eventing.. maybe after college I'll get a little TB myself.

    I agree Shelly, TB's are AWESOME. (I ride a few for my friends and I just love how hard they try).

    Here's my horse, Punky. :)


    to see a picture of us jumping, there's one in my profile. It was taken about 5 years ago.. but at that time he was jumping up to 3'4'' with no problem. Now if we do jump, which the vet okay'd it last year, we keep it around 2'9'' the highest.
  • etaven
    etaven Posts: 25
    Thanks! :D The boy (in front) is actually a dun, just can't see his dorsal stripe there, but he pretty much glows in the sunlight (when he hasn't rolled in mudpuddles, hah!) The filly is sorrel, but from the Belgian side of the family she got the pangare gene which lightens up that mane and tail and underbelly and such. (I find horse color genetics fascinating; can you tell? lol!)

    I hear you completely on the money thing. I'm a kind-of-recent graduate ('09) and work is not finding me easily (oh, the joys of seasonal jobs) so I've had to cut out showing this summer. I'd actually be at a show right now, doing the low level jumpers, but alas... no funds! (Didn't show on my horses, as they're still so young-- borrowed one from the barn I train at for shows!)

    Punky is supercute! Love that forlock.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I ride! :) I do endurance and barrels, right now my horse is out of commission [colic] so I'm not getting much exercise that way. I do ride for some people for work, but it isn't a workout because it's just arena work and I've been riding so long that doesn't do much for me anymore.

    Feel free to add me! Once my mare is able to work again I will be conditioning for a 50 miler in October, so should be getting lots of riding in!
  • DRay64
    DRay64 Posts: 69 Member
    OMG I wish I could have a horse. We used to own Arabians when I was young but I can't afford one now. We also raised throughbreds on our property. I used to love going out and talking to my horses.
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